subject: Defiant Children - How To Parent Them Successfully So That You Can Begin To Relax! [print this page] Defiant Children - How To Parent Them Successfully So That You Can Begin To Relax!
Many parents feel helpless when faced with angry and defiant children. There is a temptation to lose your cool and resort to shouting too. Nothing could be worse because that means that no communication is taking place and if it is, it is in a completely toxic atmosphere. That will prevent clear thinking, affection and decisive action from taking place. It is a no win situation.
How many times have you heard defiant children justify their defiance and aggressive lousy behavior by saying or shouting 'It's not fair!' When we realize that this is a ploy, we know that there is no point in an argument. We merely have to point out that it is their responsibility to go to school, do homework and listen to the teacher and so on. This is all about learning to be responsible.
Defiant children often play the victim and that together with the unfair world, means that any behavior such as damaging furniture or refusing to go to school is perfectly justified. It is the parents' job to show them that they must be responsible for everything they do and that if they are not accountable for their actions, then they will never grow up.
As parents we have to set the limits but also offer choices to our defiant children. They can forget about homework but there will be a withdrawal of privileges. The idea of imposing these is to help them learn better behavior and it is a sort of negative reinforcement, if you like. They might refuse to go to school so leave them stay at home. But make sure they have no access to any of their usual toys and video games.
Often parents ask what they should do to avoid getting into a violent argument over something. The more you argue with a child, the more he thinks that he has power in that you are rising to the bait every time. A much more effective way is to use an avoidance strategy which is recommended by many therapists. You just say what your take on his behavior is and leave the room. The child will be immediately deflated as there is not much point in shouting at a wall!
These then are just a few of the strategies for dealing with defiant children that you can learn in a child behavior program. Once you get into this, you will see progress, you will be back in control and your life will be so much easier. Why not try it out?
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