subject: The Child Within Us [print this page] I dont know when I lost touch with hersomewhere along the way I left that young girl behindI lost her in the crowd .. I simply left her hand and let her go.I did not even turn back to look at her I did not care I was too engrossed.I was so preoccupiedI did not even notice. Life happened to me at various stages Love wedding bells .wet nappies sneezes sniffles anniversaries...BirthdaysPTA meetings. Each day a Xerox copy of the other. It did not stop even when I lost my better half it had to continue between packing lunch boxes and supervising homework between load sheds and office work and bed time stories. It was then I started missing her. How I wished I had been more alert then how I wished I had held her hand more tightly .how I wished I had been in touch with her...can I just reconnect with her? Maybe yes I just need to wake her up tell her to smell the wet earth after the rains .tell her to see that big fat cloud in the sky .feel that hunger in that beggar boys belly.experience the poor mothers helplessness at not being able to feed her son. Yes, I just needed to wake her up give her a paper and pen. And this time I am not going to leave her hand not let her go. I know what is living without her . Each one of us goes though this. We lose touch with our inner selves. We lose touch with the child within us. We just get engrossed in bread and butter and Pizza Hut outings... Somewhere along the way, we cease to live and just continue to exist. We dont even realize when. But long before we are aware of the fact, thechild within us gets lost. her voice loses its melody, the canvas gathers dust and the ink dries in the pen. We live for the sake of our children. While that is highly commendable, it is highly selfish to expect them to live for us. Our joy is measured by their classroom status. Long before it is too late, wake up the child within you, give her a song to sing, a canvas to paint and a pen to write and look at your heart smiling.
The Child Within Us
By: sridevi
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