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How to Care for Your Atlanta Roof in the Summer

How to Care for Your Atlanta Roof in the Summer

As we enter the summer months in Atlanta, it is crucial that homeowners are aware of the tasks that can help extend the life and reliability of their Atlanta roof, whether that be clearing out gutters from spring flowers or inspecting your roof for membrane uplift. Summer heat can be harsh on your roof and Atlanta roofing company, KTM Roofing wants to save you the expense of fixing it up when summer ends. Follow these preventative measures to help your roof survive the Atlanta heat.

Tips for Asphalt, Slate, Tile and Wood Roofs

Clear gutters and downspouts to enable water to flow freely
How to Care for Your Atlanta Roof in the Summer

Clean roof drains and gutters from spring time flower blossoms

During the next wind storm, inspect your roof for shingle lifting. Shingle lifting is an indication that the adhesive strip holding down the shingles is no longer performing its duty and should be replaced. As a result, your roof may be vulnerable to leaks and shingle blow off.

Remove moss on the roof by sweeping it off either while it is wet or by applying a roof moss killer product (available at local hardware stores). Once the moss is dead, sweep it off the roof.

Never walk or sit on your ridge shingles, especially if you have continuous ridge ventilation.

Pressure Washing an Atlanta Roof

Atlanta roofing specialists at KTM Roofing do not recommend pressure washing roofs, especially if you have asphalt shingles. Pressure washing can remove the granules which are the shingle's sunscreen material. If you lose that sunscreen layer, you are exposing the asphalt shingle to harsh UV rays which will start premature aging, and the shingles will become brittle.

With cedar shingles, pressure washing may remove the top, aged layer of the roof resulting in thinner shingles and a decreased ability for the cedar to repel rain water.

Flat/Torch Down Roofs

Due to the summer heat in Atlanta, KTM Roofing recommends you perform roof inspections on your torch down roof a roof consisting of layers of fiberglass and polyester, combined with bitumen, that are added to the regular tar and gravel in the cooler morning temperatures to prevent damage to the torch down bitumen.

Due to Atlanta's strong winds, it is crucial you inspect your Atlanta roof for membrane uplift around perimeters and elevation changes. Prime time for roof inspection is following a strong wind storm.

Torch-down roofs are strong, easy to repair and require little maintenance. However, it is important to routinely inspect torch-down and hot tar roof surfaces for deep cracking. If your roof resembles alligator skin, it may be nearing its end, and it's time to contact a roofing contractor for an inspection.

Every five years, KTM Roofing specialists recommend applying an aluminum-based coating in order to protect the roof from UV degradation.

Although we advise you to keep a keen eye on your roof and inspect it often, your safety is of primary importance. Before performing roof repair tasks on your own, please consult a roofing specialist to perform proper maintenance and repair for your Atlanta roof.

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