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subject: Turn Back The Hands Of Time With Evolence [print this page]

Collagen is fundamental to skin's elasticityCollagen is fundamental to skin's elasticity. Naturally it is depleted as we age. This creates wrinkles and folds in the skin. Certain factors, such as smoking, too much sun exposure and genetics, can speed up this process. By replacing the collagen with dermal filler, one can once again look young and refreshed again.

A revolutionary dermal filler, Evolence restores your collagen to produce smooth, young looking skin. While a lot of dermal fillers take a while to show their effects, Evolence begins working almost immediately to give you great looking skin with effects lasting up to a year! The Evolence procedure does not cause the bruising or swelling which can result from other dermal fillers; and no skin testing prior to the procedure is necessary.

Some other benefits of Evolence over other collagen fillers are that it does not need to be refrigerated, making it easier to store. It does not contain anesthetic, unlike bovine based collagen. Evolence is porcine-based because pig skin is most like human tissue. This makes the collagen more durable, pliable and the skin softer. Instead of using chemicals, Evolence uses natural sugar to increase the durability. Evolence is also a less concentrated product than other fillers. Evolence is to be injected into the upper to mid dermis. This is where your smile lines are located, from the nose to the corners of the mouth.

Evlence is just now catching on in the U.S., but already enjoys great popularity in Europe, Israel and Canada. Many dermatologists are of the opinion that once the public becomes more aware of this product it will overtake all other collagen based dermal fillers because of its effectiveness and it long lasting results.

It was only just approved by the FDA in June of this year. This is truly a breakthrough in skincare.

by: Andrew W John

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