subject: Work-Life Balance and the 7 Areas of Life [print this page] Work-Life Balance and the 7 Areas of Life
The first thing that you need to do to achieve work-life balance is forget about work-life balance. That concept suggests that there are basically two areas of focus for establishing a balanced life. The problem with that is that it is simply not realistic to lump everything that is part of your life as "life" and your work as "work". To achieve true balance you need to break you need to break your life into seven distinct areas. Only when you have done this will you be able to truly work towards the balanced life that we all desire.
The Seven Areas of Life are:
Career - This is your work, your mission in life. In order to have true balance this will probably need to be more than just a job. It will need to have meaning.
Financial - Finances that are out of sorts can cause more stress in a person's life than just about anything. In order to build a life that is balanced you need to focus on getting your finances in order.
Family - Are you on good terms will your family? You will find that no matter how good your career is or how much money you have, there will always be something missing if there are relationships that need to be restored.
Physical Health- Are you healthy? What good is it to have a job that you love if it ultimately works you to death? Stresses in the other areas of your life can have a huge impact on your health. Get to the gym and eat right. You might be amazed at the difference it can make.
- Do you have any REAL friends? Do you have someone that you can count on when things get tough? We are created to be relational. We need to be around other people in order to feel whole.
Personal Development - Are you still learning? Many people stop focused learning after they graduate from college. Have you read any non-fiction books lately? Use your brain, it'll give you energy that you never knew you had.
Spiritual - Do you go to church regularly? Do you believe in God? Why or why not? Knowing where you stand is critical and impacts every other area of you life. This is where you get your value system. Do you know why you are here?
If you start paying too much attention to any of these areas it will directly impact the other. For instance if you become a gym rat and get yourself in killer shape but neglect your wife and kids in the process, your family life is going to be out of balance. But, if you focus on these Seven Areas of Life, you can create a life that is balanced and whole.
You see, its not work-life balance, its simply life balance.
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