subject: OLAP or Online analytical processes with its variety [print this page] OLAP or Online analytical processes with its variety
OLAP or Online analytical processes is able o solve complex problems at a very fast speed, it is made possible by the use of aggregations. OLAP or Online analytical processes will solve problem within much less time in comparison with the OLTP or the relation data.
The possible number of dimension granularities with a good combination and accumulation of dimension granularities. These aggregations are actually constructed from the table of facts by bringing a change in the granularity of the specific dimensions and making an aggregation of these accumulated data of different dimension. A good calculation can be made of all these aggregations and make a full fledged calculation of purely predetermined nature. But the main problem lies in which aggregations to be calculated and this problem is known as problem of view selection. An anti dotes to this problem by selecting the total set of all the available aggregates available within the information.
OLAP or Online analytical processes can be classifies into some of the below mentioned categories.
MOLAP the most ancient and classical form of OLAP, it is often referred to as simply OLAP sometimes. In contrast to relational database MOLAP stores data in a storage system which is multi dimensional in nature.
ROLAP, this works in direct relation with relational data base. The relational databases and the tables of dimension are stored within the relational databases while in contrast new tables are created to hold all the aggregated sources of information. It is depended in a schema design which is specialized in nature.
Hybrid, it is a topic of controversies for the whole computer world across the countries regarding its constitution. It is also known as Hybrid OLAP only with the exception that the proposed database will divide all the available data in the storage either specialized or relational.
Each and every type has benefits which are particular in their own way. But it is a fact that there is still disagreement amongst the user regarding the services provided by the OLAP.
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