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subject: IVA from X-debt the leading IVA company in the Uk [print this page]

IVA from X-debt the leading IVA company in the Uk

X-debt was launched three years ago to help individuals through the credit crunch and recession and is now one of the leading IVA and debt management providers in the UK.

An IVA or Individual Voluntary Arrangement is a debt solution available to UK citizens and is regulated by the Insolvency Act 1986. An IVA is an alternative to other debt solutions including debt management and bankruptcy and offers more protection due to the regulation. An Individual Voluntary Arrangement offers protection of the family home and will generally last for 5 years with any outstanding balance legally written off on successful completion.

With recent announcements from the UK government of very difficult times ahead, this type of debt assistance has never been more important. With many individuals currently suffering extreme debt problems the stretches on their finances are becoming ever tighter. With probable increases in VAT and income tax over the coming months these could be the 'straw that breaks the camels back'.

If you are currently struggling to meet your financial commitments, how will a 2.5% rise in VAT as well as an increase in the amount of tax, affect the state of your finances?

It is highly likely these increases in expenditure will mean possibly defaulting on payments such as loans, credit cards and more seriously your mortgage payments. If an individual does get into financial difficulty it is important that mortgage payments, as well as loans secured on the family home take priority as missed payment can lead to repossession.

X-debt's Insolvency expert Angela Canning, who qualified as an Insolvency Practitioner 14 years ago says, 'It is important, for those experiencing debt problems, to seek help quickly and understand the options available to you from a reputable, regulated debt counselling business, who can advise on and offer the full range of debt solution options. Delaying seeking such advice on your financial situation can have far reaching implications in the future. Speak to a professional, qualified debt counsellor now before your finances get out of hand.'

X-debt can advise on IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangements), Debt Management, Debt Relief Orders, Re-mortgage, Consolidation Loans and Bankruptcy as options to alleviate debt problems.

Angela has many years of experience in the Personal Insolvency sector and together with a dedicated team at X-debt, can advise you on every type of solution to deal with personal debts as the recession continues.

With X-debt, a very high percentage of client cases which have been approved by creditors are proceeding to a successful conclusion and when the Individual Voluntary Arrangement term has expired those individuals will be debt free and have avoided bankruptcy which may have had implications regarding the family home, if they were a homeowner.

If you are currently suffering from debt problems, missed payment and creditor pressure it is important that you seek professional advice as soon as possible and the experts at X-debt are there to offer that advice when required.

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