subject: Marketing Your Online Home Business For Free [print this page] Have you ever received a free sample in the mail? Its kind of exciting to get that tiny package that holds a product you didnt have to pay for. It doesnt matter if its a box of laundry detergent we get in the mail or a breakfast sausage being served at the grocery store, we all like getting something for free. That is especially true for online home business owners.
Online business owners are always looking for a cheap or free way to increase traffic to their site and advertise their products. These are the keys to building a successful online home business. Believe it or not, these free opportunities exist, though they may take some time and work to get started. Here are just a few:
Traffic Exchange: These are often free or cost very little. In a traffic exchange you browse other peoples web sites to earn credits. These credits can be used to generate traffic to your web site. Two of the most popular traffic exchanges are Traffic Swarm and Easy Hits 4U. Both of these cost nothing to join but offer premium options for a small fee.
Social Marketing: Facebook and Twitter are great places to get your name out there without spending money. You simply set up a Facebook or Twitter account for your business. You can post updates about new products, business progress, or special deals.
Market Articles: Write articles related to your web site or line of products and post them on sites like Squidoo and ezines.
Blogging: With the right mixture of content, appeal, and networking a blog can effectively generate interest in your web site and company. It can also help brand your company by setting up a tone and appealing to your particular clientele.
Exchange Links: The easiest way to exchange links is to type your web sites keywords into a major search engine, visit the sites of the top results and ask for the link exchange. This can be time consuming, but very effective.
Directories: You can also submit your site to free directories. Make sure your site will be deemed directory worthy before submitting it. Many directories will turn down a site that is not of a certain quality. Make sure your web site is visually appealing, contains good content, quality products, and all the links and applications are in working order.
Free Software: There are several Internet marketing tools available that can generate some impressive results. Software that creates links and provides keywords is especially helpful. There are a lot of free useful tools out there to help you monitor and automate your home based internet marketing business.
You can market your business and generate traffic and sales without breaking the bank. You just have to know where to look. If youd like more information on ways to build up your online home business
by: Dean Wangler
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