subject: AdWords CTR: 5 Ways To Increase It [print this page] AdWords CTR: 5 Ways To Increase It AdWords CTR: 5 Ways To Increase It
Your CTR (Clcik-through-rate) is one of the most important statistics in your AdWords PPC account. Increasing CTR can improve your Quality Score, and therefore save you money.
You might be amongst the many that make the mistake of thinking that improving CTR is difficult. It therefore may shock you to discover that dramatic improvments can often be achieved very easily if you follow some simple guidelines.
What Is AdWords ctr?
In actual fact, there is no big secrest about CTR. It is very simple to work out: ctr = numberof clicks / number of impressions.
For example, imagine your ad has shown 100 times and was clicked on 4 times. Your click through rate for that ad would be 4/100 or 4%.
What most advertisers don't appreciate, is that Google actually measures CTR in five different ways, and each can have a dramatic affect on your Quality Score.
5 Ways To Increase Your AdWords ctr
1) Keywords
Everybody knows that all AdWords keywords have a ctr. To increase the ctr for any keyword, you need more people to click on the ad your keyword triggers.
Ways to get your ad clicked on more often and increase your ctr include:
* Increeasing your bid price to make your ads appear higher on the results page.
* Writing ads that are more appealing to your audience.
2) Ads
Every ad in your campaign also has its own ctr value.
Ways to increase an ads ctr include:
* Adding more relevant keywords to the ad group so your ad is seen more often.
* Writing ads that are more appealing to your audience.
3) Campaign / Account
Many advertisers don't realise that AdWords also measures the CTR for each of your campaigns and your account as a whole.
You can easily improve your account ctr by removing keywords that are not performing.
Consider this example:
Picture a campaign that regularly gets 1000 impressions a week and 50 click through's. Your account ctr is 5% (50/1000) right!
Now, let's suppose that half your keywords are poor performers. By this I mean that although they are clicked on let's say 10 times a week, and get used in search queries, let's say 350 times, they never convert. By deleting these keywords, the CTR for your campaign will change to 40/650 or 6.2%.
This represents a massive 1.2% increase in the ctr of your account and you are not loosing a single sale.
4) Domain Name
A lot of advertisers try and fix poor Quality Score by closing their account and opening a new one. Unfortunatly, most are shocked when this dramatic action makes absolutely no difference.
The harsh reality is that AdWords also tracks a CTR and bounce rate for your domain. Your landing pages therefore have to be releevant and fit in with Google's advertising guidelines. Believe it or not, some very small changes to your landing pages can have a huge impact on your CTR.
5) The Historical Performance of keywords
The last characteristic for which Google record ctr is the historical performance of your keywords. Millions of peole are advertising using AdWords every day and they collectively bid on trillions of different keywords. This means that there are statistically, probably very few keywords that have not previously been tried by some advertiser some where are some time.
AdWords keeps a detailed track of the CTR that others have achieved and this will have a big influence on your own CTR if you should choose to also target that keyword.
It is therefore best if you concentrate your campaign efforts mostly on keywords that are frequently searched on.
Last Thoughts On ctr
Improving AdWords CTR doesn't have to be difficult, but to provide the maximum benefit to your Quality Score, you need to increase it in all five areas that Google measures.
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