subject: Associates Of The Academy Of Business Strategy (aabs) Earn While You Learn - The Associate Service [print this page] WHO CAN REGISTER AS AN ASSOCIATE? WHO CAN REGISTER AS AN ASSOCIATE?
Anyone who is registered as a student on either the Post-Graduate Certified Professional Consultant (CPC) program or on the Post-Graduate Certificate in Career Management Strategy (CCMS) program are eligible to register as an Associate of the Academy of Business Strategy (AABS) if they need or desire to earn income while training.
There is no charge whatsoever for the Associate service. Associate assignments are usually between 6-18 months and are invariably project-related. Remuneration for Associate work is now set by the Academy directly rather than by the client and amounts to $100.00 USD per hour or $800.00 USD per day and you can choose whether to work between three or five days per week, enabling you to have more time to study when necessary.
CPC Associate assignments constitute an interim outsourcing requirement in relation to a CPC service that is currently being implemented with clients. This means that you would be directly responsible to an established CPC or DPC consultant and this subsequently provides students with valuable CPC consulting experience and helps them to shape their own unique consulting service propositions.
CCMS Associate assignments constitute an interim outsourcing requirement in relation to the CCMS student's short-medium term objectives under their own career development plan. This means that clients will understand that these students are planning parallel careers and are in the process of developing and implementing a proactive career management plan. Consequently such candidates will always be in strong demand from clients who see the Associate database as a unique opportunity to experience working with more proactive individuals in a professional capacity with a view towards ultimately fulfilling a core vacancy. The difference between a peripheral and core vacancy is explained on the Academy of Business Strategy CCMS program web site.
Demand has always outstripped supply with the Associate database because candidates are only eligible to register as an Associate if they are also a registered student with the Academy. The Associate database generates on average 150 opportunities from clients every month and we only invariably have approximately 100 Associates registered at any one time for each program. The employment ratio for Associates of the Academy of Business Strategy has been sustained at 2:1 during the past ten years but has now increased to 3:1 during the past 12 months since the recession as more and more companies are being forced to outsource to independents. This means that out of every four Associates registered, three will ultimately be placed on an Associate assignment.
It does not really matter where you are located at the moment. We have Associates worldwide in most major cities. You just need to decide where you would want your Associate clients to be. If for example you intended to stay in the country where you live at the moment while you are studying, then you can list a major city within easy reach of where you live. This would probably be advisable if you are currently employed because you could remain with your existing employer, register as an Associate at the same time and then hand your notice in with your existing employer once you have secured your first Associate assignment. Alternatively you could list a city where you would like to work, London, New York, Paris, Milan, Tokyo, or Moscow for example. Our clients in these areas would simply be made aware that they may need to sponsor an application for an employment visa if they intended to employ you internally within their organisation. It is also possible to obtain online work while studying as a CPC. Many CPCs and DPCs outsource work to Associates who work from home now and this is an extremely useful way of earning additional income and obtaining valuable consulting experience at the same time, but without the upheaval and associated risk of moving home or leaving your current employment position.
by: Justin. P.R. Lewis MBA DIM
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