subject: Seeking Out The Top Home Business? Read This 2 Mninute Drill That Could Save You Thousands. [print this page] Training & Support Training & Support
Does the organisation provide complete training? Many an internet based business opportunity has reference of 'simple systems' and 'making money in your sleep' but unless you invented the system or enterprise, someone or something is going to have to provide you information to understand it implicitly.
This training must be structured for presentation and ease of reference. If your query in this regard is not received with a confident conveying of a solid training system with material and structure, be cautious. Ultimately you want to see how you're going to get into profit quickly and your knowledge of running the business is going to be paramount to achieving this.
Similarly in terms of support. You should ask candidly about ongoing support, mentorship, product updates etc. You must know firstly that a supportive point of contact is available and reliable. Preferably in fact without compromise, this should not be an individual persons cell phone number. Secondly, the support system must be dynamic enough to be adaptive to the market needs and market fluctuations as they occur.
Company History and Credibility
If you're going to be resaling someone else's product set you have to make sure of that particular source's track record and reputation. You don't want to get into a 'sunset business'.
The company must have a reasonable history and demonstrate that it has been able to develop and innovate in its lifetime to stay ahead in its market. Likewise the overall reputation must be clean with no credibility issues.
Do not be overly concerned with a hugely lengthy track record of years and years. It is not uncommon for products and/or companies to be a prime opportunity if they are less than a year old, provided of course the other points mentioned above and below are solid.
An important point to note when doing your research is that everyone professes to have the top home business, they often do this at the expense of other competing organizations and often falsely.
Don't take everything at face value, especially on the web. Unfortunately it has become a sordid place of slander often at the expense of the multitude of business opportunity seekers out there. Get a more factual basis by personally contacting people involved.
Compensation plan. The reason most people want a business - FINANCIAL REWARD. Home businesses are usually no exception, however many will only offer partially of what you should look for. Any successful businessman will tell you that annuity or residual income is the bread and butter of a business, it allows you pay the bills and focus on growth strategies.
Not to mention a solid residual income is an saleable asset, which you can sell off in time to come if you wish. Similarly though, you also want good upfront profits so you can reinvest and also enjoy the fruit that you have worked for.
Look for all of these when doing your research:
- Upfront profits
- Residual income
- How you will create and grow a valuable asset
Ticking (or not ticking) these three boxes early in your research process will enable you not to waste effort and time when undertaking your due diligence. It should quickly reveal a short list of the more solid opportunities which you can pursue further. Compromising on any of these will however, increase your risk substantially.
by: Richard Baldock
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