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subject: MLM Opportunity Leads - Avoid The 3 Biggest Money-Sucking Mistakes [print this page]

MLM Opportunity Leads - Avoid The 3 Biggest Money-Sucking Mistakes

Are you considering buying MLM opportunity leads to build your business? If so, then you are going to want to avoid the 3 biggest mistakes people make with these that can end up draining your bank account instead of building your business.

1. If I Pay More, They Must Be Worth More: If you start to search for MLM opportunity leads, you will quickly discover that they can cost many different prices -- from very inexpensive (5-10 a piece) to fairly expensive ($5-$10 a piece). Your first inclination may be to think that if you go for the more expensive leads, that you will convert more leads into sales/signing up into your business. This is not necessarily true at all.

While it is true that if you want "real time" leads (those generated within the last day or so), that you will absolutely have to pay more for them than the less expensive ones which may be up to a few weeks old. The problem is that too many people go out and pay for those ultra-expensive MLM opportunity leads before they themselves have the capability to turn those leads in to sales. They are just starting out perhaps, or haven't yet honed their phone skills too much.

If you don't feel that your phone skills - or your marketing funnel or basic pages -- are really in great shape, then to buy these really expensive MLM opportunity leads is a one-way ticket to you being broke before you ever have a chance to build you business. So always start small on your MLM opportunity lead budget. You may have to go through more leads to get conversions, but at least you know that you can afford to do so.

The other aspect of the fallacy that the most expensive MLM opportunity leads are the best ones, is that these leads must be better because they're higher priced. The truth is that you need to know HOW any MLM opportunity leads you might buy were created. Did they opt-in to a data capture page? Have they been sold multiple times to multiple people? How often has the lead been already pitched before it gets to you? All of these variables can affect the quality of that lead (no matter what its price tag).

2. If I Can Afford Them, I Should Get Them: Piggy-backing a bit off of the first item, it is important that you do not have the mindset that just because you can afford at this moment to buy the most expensive MLM opportunity leads, that you should automatically get them. This mistaken thinking can wipe you out financially in this business faster than you can believe.

Even if (which is very likely NOT the case) that these "top of the line" MLM opportunity leads are the best ones anywhere, if you don't have the skill set yet to convert those leads to prospects/members of your list then you are basically just throwing that money down the drain. Think about how much money you can very quickly spend at $5 to $10 per lead if your conversion rate is very low. You can end up spending big buck - and fast.

That's why I always recommend buying the really inexpensive leads when you're first building your business. It allows you to build your phone skill set while not spending too much per lead.

3. These Leads Are Superior To Any Leads I Could Generate Myself: The final big misconception about MLM opportunity leads that can end up draining your bank account, is that leads which cost money must be better than any you could generate on your own. This is perhaps the MOST false of all three of these things. Why? Well, apart from some of the possible issues I mentioned above, there are two serious flaws in ANY MLM opportunity lead -- no matter how "real time" or how targeted it may be.

The first flaw is that you are not positioning yourself in the best way with these leads (or, perhaps it is better to say you are not positioned very well). Leads buy/sign up from people who they perceive to be an expert, and they buy from people not companies. So when you buy an MLM opportunity lead, you know that lead was not generated by positioning you as an expert. You will have a harder time establishing the relationship and trust you want to have when your leads are generated this way.

The second flaw is that you had no say over the marketing and handling of MLM opportunity leads. When you generate your own leads, you are targeting the kind of leads you want by your advertisements, you are deciding how you will be positioned, and you are deciding what content and sales pitches someone receives. In other words, you have total and complete control over the process and what's in it.

To discover a better strategy than using MLM opportunity leads to build a massive organization, and to claim my FREE REPORT titled: "How To Create YOUR First 6-Figure Month In Network Marketing," click on the link above.

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