subject: Why You Should Purchase Ethically Produced Clothes [print this page] There are few essentials in life and clothes, along with food, water and shelter, is one of them. While the majority of our daily food and water supplies are sourced locally and we have a fair idea of the source of our housing supplies, clothing is something we generally accept has come from overseas. In today's multi-national marketplace clothes are typically made in countries that do not have equal opportunity guidelines set out and enforced by their governments. Clothing companies who then outsource their manufacturing to these countries do so because the labor is cheap. Cheap labor means that the clothes we purchase are cheaper or that the company that manufactures the clothing is able to provide more profits and siphon those profits to shareholders. Whichever way you look at it, cheaper clothes or more profits for the company also means that the people who make the clothes are underpaid. They are not paid enough to feed their families or to get ahead in any way to help themselves. In countries with workers rights, people are paid more. This allows them to not only supply basic needs of their families but allows them choices in where they live and how they choose to prosper. By choosing to purchase clothes made in countries where no rights exist for workers, consumers are implicit in this process. Finding clothing that is ethically produced is a challenge and it's companies like People Tree in the UK that are taking the range of free trade designer clothing to a new level. Purchasing clothing is necessary but it needn't be at the expense of other people. Companies must give consumers options so we can make educated decisions about what we buy. As knowledge about the effects of unfair trade becomes widespread and more options become available for consumers, companies may find that there is a significant market for ethically produced clothing.
Why You Should Purchase Ethically Produced Clothes
By: Inger Fountain
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