subject: Ways To Start Looking Younger With Cosmetic Dentistry [print this page] Ways To Start Looking Younger With Cosmetic Dentistry
The idea of a fountain of youth is legendary and mythical. If you are looking at taking a few years off your age, you might want to try something that really works instead of searching for that mythical legend. One thing you might consider to help with a more youthful appearance is cosmetic dentistry. Your smile can age you, or take years off your face, depending on the condition of your mouth and teeth. The region of the human face starting from the mouth down to the chin and jaw is called the "Lower Third". The Lower Third is a very significant part of the face because of its vital role in your facial expression. It can convey your moods, emotions and even your character. It is also the region most vulnerable to change as it contains teeth and gums. When a tooth from the lower side gets pulled, the space can stimulate its upper counterpart to grow down and become longer than normal. It can create a domino effect because it can ruin the entire bite. Later on it will affect the balance of the jaws and the face. A cosmetic dentistry procedure called a "smile lift" will rectify the imbalance and give you that perfect smile. Cosmetic dentistry is a combination of art and science. It is effective in solving dental dilemmas such as weakened gums, erosion of the dental bone, teeth discoloration, chipped teeth and misaligned dentures that can affect your physical well-being. A cosmetic dentist is a trained and licensed professional that can perform the smile lift. By using an effective smile design principle, a cosmetic dentist can make you look 10 to 20 years younger. As you get older, the corners of your mouth turn down due to the sagging of the skin. Cosmetic dentistry can reverse this sagging. By building the up the teeth, they will be able to support the lips and the pink part of the lip will roll up and become fuller instantly and permanently. This can be done through the use of a technological advancement in dental cosmetics called veneering. Veneering is the process where a cosmetic dentist connects a custom-made ceramic cover to the individual teeth. They call it a "lift" because the process sets the teeth in the right place enhancing the smile. Cosmetic dentistry can correct crooked and discolored teeth, mend broken or cracked teeth, even replace missing teeth. A well trained cosmetic dentist is a combination artist/scientist. He can use his skills to rebuild your mouth and teeth to give your face perfect symmetry and give you a white, shiny smile. There is no need for you to suffer from self-consciousness. You won't have to give that Mona Lisa tight- lipped kind of smile anymore. Your perfect smile and perfect teeth will make you look younger. Now that's what we called a masterpiece!
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