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Armadale Timber Flooring  Experts And Installations

Carpet Stores Timber Flooring Armadale
Carpet Stores Timber Flooring Armadale

Wood Flooring or Timber flooring is manufactured from timber (solid and engineered) even those Bamboo Flooring is often considered a wood flooring, although it is made from a grass (bamboo) rather than a timber. Wood is a substance which is perfect for flooring due to its elastic and flexible nature like that of Bamboo.

Wood flooring is a popular feature in many houses there are types of Timber Flooring.


Where Solid Timber Flooring (hardwood floors) were used for structural purposes previously in modern building techniques solid hardwood floors are used almost exclusively for their appearance.

For flooring, solid wood has many limitations due to the natural characteristics of wood. Expansion and contraction of wood from moisture and temperature fluctuation puts many dimensional. For contemporary construction techniques, the most significant characteristic of solid wood floors is that they are not recommended to be installed directly over concrete.


Engineered wood flooring is composed of two or more layers of wood in the form of a plank. The top layer (lamella) is the wood that is visible when the flooring is installed, and is adhered to the core (or substrate) which provides the stability.

Laminate Flooring, Vinyl Flooring and veneer flooring are often confused with engineered wood floors - laminate flooring uses an image of wood on its surface, vinyl flooring is plastic formed to look like wood flooring, and veneer uses a thin layer of wood with a core that could be one of a number of different composite wood products (most commonly, high density fibreboard).

Engineered wood is the most common type of wood flooring used.

Comparison of solid wood and engineered wood

Engineered wood flooring has several benefits over solid wooding. It is very difficult to compare a solid wood floor to engineered wood floors. There are several limitations on solid hardwood that limit its use, solid wood should not be installed directly over concrete, below grade (basements) and used with radiant floor heating. Solid Timber Flooring is also typically limited in plank width which can lead to "gapping" (excessive space between planks) and "cupping" (a concave or "dished" appearance of the plank

Solid wood products, on average, have a slightly thicker 'sand able area'. In many installations, however, engineered flooring can only withstand a limited number of sandings, versus solid wood flooring, which can be sanded many times.

The installation costs of engineered flooring are typically lower than solid flooring.

Engineered wood flooring has several benefits over solid wood flooring, dimensional stability, faster installation and easy replacement of boards. Engineered wood also allows a 'floating flloring' installation (where the planks are not fastened to the floor below or to each other), further increasing ease of repair and reducing installation time.

In general engineered wood panels are longer and wider than solid planks.

The top surface of solid and engineered flooring, have the same properties of hardness and durability.

The majority of installation use engineered wood flooring over timber flooring due to cost competitiveness for new installations. But Solid Wood flooring retro look also has its place and its differ cult to get that old and wore look that used wood flooring can produced.

There is a large varity of timber flooring, engineered wood flooring, even look alike vinyl flooring that it comes down to taste and your budget so best to shop around.

For advise in what to look for in a Armadale Flooring Store and installer check out ArmadaleCarpets dot com and get a free guide on what question to ask and how to assess the service and supply.


by: lorinj

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