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subject: Online Home Business - How Broke Do You Have to Be Before You Take Action? [print this page]

Online Home Business - How Broke Do You Have to Be Before You Take Action?

Online Home Business - How Broke Do You Have to Be Before You Take Action?

Just how broke do you have to be before you will take action becoming involved in your own online home business? Next question: Why don't the companies you make rich share their profits with you?

First off, we are in such dire economic straits right now that I am extremely worried how much worse things will become and for how long. Do you see any lights at the end of any tunnels? I sure don't. Secondly, why don't the big Internet players you've all made wealthy beyond THEIR wildest dreams share their profits with you? It would seem fair that they'd reward the very masses who've made them rich. Yet, if they did, maybe it would only amount to a few bucks each, realistically. But, what if they rewarded those who were the most active, brought in the most users, etc? Then maybe it would we weighted toward individual effort. Ah, who knows.

I don't want to be trampled down by doom and gloom, or even worse, spread the "fear and worry clouds" far and wide as I try to make my points while building my own online home business. But, I am far more into using the desperate and chaotic economic landscape as a motivator to fuel my passion, and especially YOURS.

You can definitely become involved in the online business arena for very little investment, and there are certainly plenty of places where you can do it all for free. Hint: I'd pick the free ones. Some WILL even share their profits with you too. You will obviously have to work it and work it hard, just like any other job. But, if it's YOUR business, it will become the most passionate labor of love you could ever imagine.

Honestly, what else can you do? Just sit back and accept your plight? I totally respect anyone who accepts what has befallen them and decides just to tough it out and do the best they can with what they've got right now. That's as noble as any other direction, in my humble opinion. I however cannot do that. I must fight in order to get the satisfaction necessary to feel as though I'm combating what's been dished out to "WE The PEOPLE": a gigantic and never-ending raw deal.

The greed factor has tainted our future, our kids' and our grandkids' future, and maybe even way past that. I want to believe it is OUR turn to become successful despite the long odds and difficult path it may pave. But, I would rather be flat broke and swinging for the fences than just being flat broke.

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