subject: Using Free Surveys For Money [print this page] Free surveys for money offer you an excellent way to make money online. The fact that they are free means that you do not have to pay to join the survey site, which is a real bonus because you can make a great deal of money using such websites. They also generally do not require any expert knowledge, and almost anybody can make money online using surveys for money.
What do such surveys involve? Many people are reluctant to register for free survey sites because they don't know how involved the surveys will be. In fact, some simply ask you a few demographic questions: your age, where you live and perhaps how much you earn. They may then ask your opinion on certain retail goods, or how you choose the groceries that you purchase: by cheapest price, best known brand or only if they are offering some form of price reduction.
Others might send you free samples to try out and then request you respond to an accompanying questionnaire - a small price to pay for what are often extremely useful free samples. Not all free survey for money actually offer you cash in return for the survey, but many do.
Others will give a free entry into a draw or lottery for goods such as computers, laptops, cell phones and the like, while others offer holidays or cash draws for thousands of dollars or pounds, depending on your country. Most are country-specific since the demographics in the UK might not correspond to those in the USA for example. The two countries have different conceptions of the term 'class' and relative earnings will also be different as, perhaps, would sexism and ageism in employment. So check that you are using a survey intended for your country.
Most free surveys for money involve a simple registration procedure - your name, email address, login user name and password. They will also generally ask you for your age or date of birth and your mailing address, which is important in analyzing demographics and how certain geographical areas have difference purchasing habits. All of this is important to the customers of the survey. Who are these customers?
They can be any company that sells or markets goods or services, and that will benefit from understanding the buying habits and preferences of the general population and those in certain age groups, geographical areas and types of employment. For example, this knowledge could enable them to stock a store in an affluent area with specific types of goods, and in an area containing large populations of students with another form of goods.
Students tend to eat fast foods and spend money on electronic goods - iPads, iPods, cell phones and laptops while the more affluent so-called middle classes will purchase large flat screen TVs, expensive Hi-Fis and eat more fruits, vegetables and higher quality meats such as duck and steaks. Large working populations will tend to shop mainly at weekends, while students can shop at any time, mainly in late afternoon - early evening but rarely in the morning.
All of this type of information is important to stores, as is an understanding of how many buy mainly 2 for 1 offers or prefer reduced prices, and who buy store own brands or prefer known brands. These are among the types of question you will get paid to answer in free surveys for money.
by: Peter Nisbet
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