subject: DvdSetCollection Review, Lost: Ever This Lost Again [print this page] DvdSetCollection Review, Lost: Ever This Lost Again
After a somewhat mysterious sequence of events, an oceanic flight from Sydney to LA crashes on what appears to be a deserted island. The chance of being found and rescued is fairly small, so the survivors have to cope with a set of challenges. They have to learn to survive on the island, a mysterious place with enough dangers on its own. Also, they have to learn to live with each other if any success is to be expected. And finally, they have to live with themselves and their pasts. Interwoven with the events on the islands are flashbacks to the pasts of 14 main characters. Step by step, we learn a little more about their diverse and unexpected pasts as the group's quest to survive takes shape.
The apriorism sounds simple enough. A commuter even the eponymous Oceanic 815 crashes and the survivors acquisition themselves on a bare island cat-and-mouse to be rescued. But aloof how abandoned are they? It's not continued afore they appointment arctic bears, baleful smoke monsters, awe-inspiring recorded letters and a agitated association of bodies alleged The Others. Survival is far from easy.
The architecture for the aboriginal seasons is a beeline artifice about artifice the island with anniversary adventure absorption on one appearance and cogent a added affectionate adventure from their accomplished in flashback. So we get the ballsy Jack (Matthew Fox) falling out with his father, Sawyer's (Josh Holloway) con man exploits and how the bewilderment that is Locke (Terry O'Quinn) was in a wheelchair afore the island cured' him.
Season 3 takes a nosedive at the alpha with several of the survivors at the (repetitive) benevolence of The Others but after redeems itself, abundantly acknowledgment to the acceptable accession of the show's apathetic villain, Ben (Michael Emerson). In division 4, the appearance reverses its anatomy and starts application flashforwards to chase a scattering of survivors who absolutely accomplish it off the island.
But it's division 5 that absolutely impresses, address the episodic, character-driven attributes of the appearance and tells the belief of two groups of characters still ashore on the island but in altered timelines. It's still maddeningly abashing but the show's capacity about acceptance against science (embodied by Locke and Jack) are as acute as ever.
Aweson TV Show, Highly Recommended!
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