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subject: Aarkstore Enterprise Report On Global Lfp (lifepo4) Industry, 2009 [print this page]

LiFePO4 is a new cathode material that becomes popular these couple of years. It has extensive field to play and seems definitely to replace LiCoO2 in the application markets of power batteries and backup batteries with its low prices, high safety, high structural stability, and good charge-discharge performance.

The market value of LiFePO4 hit US$13.2bn in 2008. The similar figure is expected to be US$45.9bn in 2010 according to the conservative penetration rate of 10-20%, and the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) would be 28% between 2008 and 2013.

Figure 2-1: Size of Global LiFePO4 Market, 2006-2013

However, there are two inhibitors impeding the popularization of LiFePO4 batteries:

1. They are sold at too high prices.

The prices of LiFePO4 batteries are the highest among those of secondary batteries due to the small scale of production of them and the low percent of pass. A LiFePO4 battery is ten times that of a lead-acid battery, and 2.5 times that of a LiCo battery. But as for the cost of raw materials, that of LiFePO4 batteries is the lowest -- about 15-28 US$/kg, while that of LiCo batteries 26-50 US$/kg. The prices are expected to be cut down with the improvement technology and percent of pass.

2. Patents

The patents for formulas of raw materials for LiFePO4 batteries are mainly held by Phostech and A123. Phostech is on the behalf of Dr. Goodenough from University of Texas, the inventor of LiFePO4 powder and the University is not suing A123 and they have been engaged for a long time, which lawsuit makes other investors wandering at the gate of the field, and the popularization of LiFePO4 batteries is delayed. It's reported that A123 has held out an olive branch to Phostech and the lawsuit is expected to be over soon. By then it will be easier to promote LiFePO4 batteries across the world.

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From:Aarkstore Enterprise

Contact: Neel




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