subject: Personal Trainer Adelaide - Quickest, Most Effective Workout [print this page] Hi, this is Colin Eves, your natural personal trainer in Adelaide.
One of the biggest questions I always get asked is: What is the most effective and quickest type of workout?
The blunt answer to this is that the most effective workout is the one that you actually do! :)
But aside from me being flippant, to be the most effective as well as quick, the workout has to be intense, which means putting maximum effort into a minimal period of time.
And if you are also working the entire body, then so much the better.
Now, the best way to create an intense workout is through interval training.
So heres an idea for a very effective and quick workout that not only trains the complete body but is also fantastic for burning body fat.
And you dont even need a gym or exercise equipment.. you dont even need shoes! Oh, and it lasts for just eight minutes.
Its called a 15/15. For this workout, you can either use a Gymboss timer, or a large LED clock display, or even a standard clock if its large enough and got a visible second hand.
Now for this workout you choose just two exercises (best if together they train the whole body); here I'm going to suggest press-ups and squat jumps.
So, first off you do press-ups for 15 seconds (you can either do a full press-up or a half press-up if you're just starting out), followed by 15 seconds of rest.
Then you immediately go into 15 seconds of squat jumps, which is going into a squat before leaping vertically, high into the air, reaching up with your arms as you do so.
(Just do a full body squat if you're just starting out). Also make sure you land lightly on your feet during this exercise. And then take 15 seconds of rest.
So it's 15 seconds of press-ups followed by 15 seconds of rest; 15 seconds of squat jumps followed by 15 seconds of rest again.
That is one round. That one round is one minute, of course, and you do eight rounds ie. eight sets of what I've just described.
Thats eight minutes of a very quick and effective workout.
Colin Eves
Your Natural Personal Trainer Adelaide
by: Natural Personal Trainer
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