subject: The Deadliest Cancers [print this page] Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer; someone dies every four minutes from it. In addition to smoking induced cancer, there are some types that are genetic, there are some caused by lymphoma, and some are from other cancers that have spread to the lungs. Pancreas cancer is the deadliest cancer. It is a cancer of the vessels connecting the pancreas to the stomach rather than cancer in the pancreas. The pancreas produces insulin and other digestive hormones. It stores lymphocytes.
Like certain cancers such as skin cancer, cancer of the lungs can be prevented. By applying sunscreen and not spending too much time in the sun, one can avoid skin cancer. By not smoking, one can avoid cancer of the lungs. This does not mean that you are not at risk for it, but by not smoking, it will decrease the chances that you get it. A lot of people smoke these days and there are many warnings against it. This is because it will ruin your lungs. It does not matter who you are, if you smoke a lot, you will damage your lungs. This does not mean that everyone who smokes gets cancer either, it just means that those people are greatly increasing their chance of contracting it.
Not all cancers of the lungs are related to smoking however. Any cancer can be genetic so if you have history of any kind of cancer in your immediate family or your grandparents, there is a chance that you could also get it. There are some cancers that are more prone to being genetic such as breast cancer. Since cancer of the lungs is somewhat preventable, it is best to do anything you can to avoid it. It is the most common because a lot of people smoke these days. The other thing with cancer is that most of it spreads. Unless you get radiation treatment to stop the division of cells, it can spread anywhere. This means that if you have cancer in one part of your body, it could lead to cancer in other parts.
Pancreatic cancer is the cancer that affects the pancreas, where digestive hormones are produced. When there is a problem with your digestion, it can be very deadly. It is difficult to treat this type of cancer as well because it connects the stomach to the pancreas. You need to be able to digest food properly in order to get all the nutrients as well as energy that you need and that is why it is so deadly.
Any type of cancer is a scary deal. Some are easier to treat than others and some are more deadly and they spread faster. Once you control the division of cells, then you can control the cancer, but when the cancer is in a hard to reach place such as pancreatic cancer then it is harder to treat it and therefore it makes it much more deadly. It is good to explore your options and catch the cancer early no matter what type it may be.
by: Stewart Wrighter
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