subject: Why Kettlebells Are Great For Time Saving Holiday Workouts [print this page] Why Kettlebells Are Great For Time Saving Holiday Workouts
Here's the deal:Something is always better than nothing when it comes to working out. Almosteveryone has an extra fifteen or twenty minutes a day to squeeze in some activity - it's really just a matter of priorities.
Now the holiday season typically ends up being an extra busy time of year - and sticking to your normal workout routine can be especially tough. But the last thing you want is to lose any of the fitness you've worked so hard for all year long.
Knowing how to properly train with kettlebells is a great way to be prepared for life's busy times - with a few basic exercises, you can train all of your major muscle groups and get an 'all-in-one' cardio, strength and core workout in literally 15-20 minutes.
Here's a sample kettlebell workout you could do if you're pinched for time:
1/2 Get Ups (:30 seconds)
Squats (:30 seconds)
Swings (:30 seconds)
Repeat entire circuit four times.
(If you don't know how to do some or all of these exercises - or don't even know what they are - don't worry. I'll point you towards a resource that will show you where to find out more about kettlebell training at the end of this article).
This workout will hit all of your major muscle groups and give you a resistance and cardio workout in about a quarter of an hour.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a time-effective way to keep in shape this holiday season, consider learning how to train with kettlebells. They're a great way to get a total-body workout in a very short period of time and keep your workouts going strong when your life gets extra busy. And happy holidays!
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