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subject: Save Your Business From Losses With Credit Insurance What Is Credit Insurance? [print this page]

For any business, loss is a very big headacheFor any business, loss is a very big headache. Businesses find ways to avoid any losses that the business or company may encounter in the future transactions. Almost all the business experiences a system loss. Losses must be properly handled. If not, this may cause the death of any companies or business. To a Business, there's nothing can be painful than seeing his or her company to the end. So as long as the company or business live, any losses should be given a proper attention and solution to omit or reduce the loss. Because of that, certain credit insurance should be made to insure or protect the business interest as well the consumer.

Business credit insurance is a mathematically designed and made to protect businesses from any losses that provide protection not only to the company or business but also to the consumer. It is made to manage the risk if any consumer fails from any payment of a certain company to its credit purchased goods. In a credit purchase, the goods are agreed to be delivered without the full payment, instead the company adds a certain percentage from the original price of the goods. Basically, the payment is made on installment basis. This would be a very good business strategy if installment could possibly and successfully make.

Types of Credit Insurance

There are types of credit insurance. As it said, it protects both business and consumers. Business credit insurance favorably more on business accounts receivable protection. It assures the business if it's encountering difficulties of acquiring any losses. It insures the payments from the credit purchase transaction. Consumer credit insurance, it insures the consumer that they can pay their responsibilities as a debtor or repayment if in case possible factors may the debtor encounter to the company from acquiring any loans. Examples of this are auto loans, housing Loans, credit card debt and many more. This would mean that, encase of payment will be active again it ensures that the company receives its benefits as agreed on the insurance policy signed. There is also property and life insurance. Such insurance protects your property from any instances of accidents and damaging. As well as your life insurance that insures for the time it is much needed. Like the time of retirement and accidents.

What are the factors that the consumer fails from its payment?

On a credit purchase transaction, a business or company is open from any failure of payments that may happen. The company insures or restores there account receivables from crushing down due to the incapability of payments. There are physical and environmental factors that affects the debtor from his or her payment that is acceptable on business credit insurance policy. Common factors that affects the consumer fails from its payments are, the loss of the job of the policy holder, death, and accidents causing disability of the debtor. When a debtor looses its job, he can't meet what's the agreed payment on the signed agreement because of losing the sources of his or her income. When the debtor happened to be died, the amount of his unpaid amount is sad to be hopeless anymore. The company considers it as loss. There are also instances that the debtor will encounter accidents that cause his or her disability. This is also considered as loss for the company for the debtor can't perform any job anymore. And without job there's no income.

Insurance covers health care. If in case of accidents, health care insurance is helpful. This will help for the payment of hospital bills and also the needed support for medical purposes. Lifetime insurance is preferably offered for the retired employees. This will be given upon the end of employment. Educational life plan is commonly prepared by parents for their children. This is to assist the parents on the future educational needs of the children such as tuition. Property insurance is an insurance to take good Care of your properties. This may help property recovered or get the things you want to have in the future. Like house, auto even computers and many more.

What are other forms of Credit Insurance?

There are also insurance that offers security for the people. In this, the member contributes for the certain agreed amount. This can also be considering as credit insurance because it insures oneself from any losses in times of in need. For the firm offering this kind of insurance the money contributed also gained on its own in the process of lending it to others. By lending, the contributed amount also raises from its income of the lending process. From this, we can now imagine the flow of the money and how does it gain income that can be use to cover losses. But there is also disadvantage of this. Because this is also done in credit, there are also possibilities that the borrower encounter failure of payments too.

How does credit insurance works?

Encase of losing a job, basically the company gives a certain period of time for the policy holder with amount of charges for the given period of time. For encase of the policy holders death and accident, the company didn't expect the unpaid amount to be paid anymore. In short, the company consider it as worthless and loss. Basically, in larger businesses and companies asking help from their allied firms is a solution. This is basically happening on group of companies. Where in one company must help his sister company when it undergoes problem such as losses. As group of companies, one must lend a hand to their sister company. Because the growth of one sister company, contributes a big development for the whole.

Credit Insurance Management Risk

Before the credit transaction is to be made, there are certain procedures that the company do to prevent encountering losses and irresponsible debtor. Upon requesting for any credit transaction, the debtor must undergo interviews. This is more on backgrounds of the debtor and the capability to pay and the willingness to pay. On interview, the debtor's background will be tackled and discussed, including his or her job. Further things will be asked like the income and also the instances of failure from any payments. Also the company will ask for any collateral that will help from the company to encounter future losses from the debtor. In the management risk, they will also be conducting a survey. In this time, this will be more on your behavior and instead of the debtor, non-related people will be asked.

Basically this will be the neighbors or people you have work with.

After this, credit insurance management will release a result. On this result, the request for credit services will be answered if it is Yes or a No. This kind of business credit insurance management risk is common and useful for the businesses offering a credit purchase. It is found that it decreases losses as it assures the debtor to meet the scheduled installment payments. Credit insurance strategy like this is most favorable to help the company as well as the consumer or the debtor's name on good image. On credit insurance we are restoring the business life as well as meeting up more good creditors.

Credit insurance as Brokerage Service Providers

As it promise and as it made contracts, brokers are needed to come up with smooth insurance transaction. And brokers are very useful with that. Many insurance companies offer good services and privileges for the policyholders, from this we can site how tight the insurance market is. From then, many brokers from different company arouse with their offers and services. It provides job for many people. And as the firms and brokers offer these services, many spans and false insurance firm spread out on the market. It is much advisable that, trust only those who have experience the most. Insurance company that is competitive or trusted by many people. Consider also how popular s the insurance company and its affiliated companies as well.

by: Chad DeBolt

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