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subject: The Global Property Estates Strategy Explained [print this page]

As a leading private equity and investment funding intermediary, Global Property Estates ( operates within a number of sectors and across multiple global markets in order to present its clients with the very best opportunities. This means that Global Property Estates can be active in sectors such as distressed property sales and super yacht investment. There is a unifying strategy which underpins all of our project and finance management, however; one which is based on providing workable solutions for each client on a tailor-made basis in order for them to reach - and often exceed - their investment goals.

Given todays global financial climate and the knock-on effect witnessed in the worlds real estate markets, property investment strategies are high on the Global Property Estates agenda. We remain a dynamic consulting firm, however, and are continually seeking opportunities not only in real estate investment and property development funding but also in distressed asset/borrower management, securities backed finance and equity funding.

Across all sectors Global Property Estates uses its experience, expertise and impressive global network in order to finance short-, medium- and long-term investment projects. Our finance strategy when it comes to short-term investments is to leverage equity and bridging finance, ensuring a secure exit strategy in each case. The finance strategy for medium- and long-term investments is Special Purpose Vehicles which are secured using company equity and non-recourse senior debt from banks or private equity funds. This ensures adequate management of both credit and liquidity, responsible Loan to Value ratios and safely spread investment debt service cover ratios.

Whether our client is looking for highly specific commercial property investment or is open to any investment vehicle which will provide the highest yield, at Global Property Estates we commit to minimising risk and maximising returns through targeted development in niche markets.

by: glovalle

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