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subject: Lilly Exposed The Hospital Gift Money To Spend The First Information And Said Nothing But Harm - [print this page]

9 24, first said Lilly will disclose their doctors across the country to pay consulting fees, speaking fees and other services cost information.

Disclosure Act This is the first time in history the pharmaceutical industry. Lilly made the decision at a time when members of Congress who promote the disclosure of a bill aimed at preventing acts of the doctors that paid undue influence medical decisions.

Starting next year, all as a consultant or on behalf of Lilly Lilly lecture in medical education seminar, if we accept the gift of more than 500 U.S. dollars to pay, Lilly will be disclosed. The next few years, Eli Lilly will pay to expand the types of disclosure, including travel to doctors, entertainment and gifts such as the cost of information.

As some people feared, pharmaceutical companies such payment behavior will affect the doctor's treatment decisions, and thus drive up health care costs. Although most of the doctors said there is no free lunch, or travel on their impact on medical diagnosis, but has been shown that these do affect the payment behavior of doctors.

Bioethics University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, director of the Center ArthurCaplan that disclosure is the trend, U.S. states are promoting this approach, once the state started, the U.S. federal government will be closely followed. "I think this is a good thing, because there are a lot of evidence that a gift will affect the behavior of a doctor's prescription. Doctors more likely to publish positive research results and suppress negative results, and the use of New Drugs More enthusiastic. "

According to Lilly's plan, the public will be able to access the database through a network of Eli Lilly and list payments to doctors, the list may contain the names of doctors, or will provide them some other identifiable information, and payment of reasons. This list will be updated annually.

Move clockwise Lilly is the first publicly to expose the cost of medical conferences Grants pharmaceutical companies. JohnLechleiter president and CEO, said that for the pharmaceutical industry there is absolutely advantageous, "This is a rebuilding consumer confidence in the pharmaceutical industry an effective way."

Ceremony to wish the pharmaceutical industry and other colleagues to follow suit. This desire was clearly echoed by a number of independent experts.

The past two years, the U.S. House and Senate lawmakers introduced a number of motion to require pharmaceutical companies and Medical Devices Manufacturers to disclose payments to doctors more than 25 U.S. dollars for all kinds of money, but the pharmaceutical industry, the report of such strict limits expressed great dissatisfaction. Eli Lilly had announced earlier, if the United States Senate lawmakers agreed to address a number of limit is increased to 500 U.S. dollars, it will consider compliance with the implementation of appropriate legislation.

Medical benefits on behalf of dozens of trade groups (such as the American Medical Association) has also said that if legislation is 500 U.S. dollars includes the report of the higher limit, they will support it. To the U.S. Congress in a letter to lawmakers, the trade group said, "the disclosure of information will pay the medical professional bodies to improve the capacity of supervision and to strengthen our health care field as a pilot's capabilities."

Ceremony to start from the second half of 2009 to disclose the amount paid to doctors, the disclosure of information is covered by the funds occurred during the first half year. The company does not intend to report in 2008 or earlier, the amount paid, because "Members of the legislative proposals submitted to Congress does not consider making such a 'look back'." Over time, Lilly plans to expand the disclosure of information, and eventually cover the Democratic and Republican lawmakers presented with the "doctors pay sunshine laws"

by: gaga

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