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Christmas Trains For The Young And Old

Christmas Trains For The Young And Old
Christmas Trains For The Young And Old

There are Christmas trains that make great gifts for all ages. You can get a wooden train for a 3 year old child or a g-scale or o-scale Christmas train set for an adult or youngster that is serious about their Christmas model train. The only limiting factor for your train set is your imagination and the area you have to set up your Christmas train.

Along with your Christmas train set you can purchase all types of accessories to go with the train set. You can really give your home the holiday atmosphere with accessories such as houses, people, trees, lights and train stations. Just think of the malls near you and some of the stores usually have a beautiful town setting with a big model railroad layout and a model train chugging along on it. You can create the ultimate winter wonderland if you desire to.

Christmas Trains For The Young And Old

There are many different types of Christmas model trains but unless you are buying for a very young child I would suggest getting one that will last for years and can be even passed down to your children as they get older. You can always add to the train set by buying more track, extra cars for the train and accessories.

One of the best Christmas trains you can purchase is the Lionel Polar Express. It comes in several different scales but you can't beat the G-scale. It comes with lights,bell and whistles and can be added to easily. The Lionel Polar Express is very popular and sometimes may a bit hard to find if you wait until right before Christmas to buy one.

Most folks set their Christmas trains up around Thanksgiving and keep it up until the first of the year. This way they can get the most enjoyment out of it. It also gives you a little time to add to it, make changes and show it off to your friends and neighbors.

The tradition usually begins by giving a child the gift of a small starter train set, which includes tracks, an engine, caboose, and a few cars. Each year you can expand the set by adding more track, scenery, town settings, and specialty train cars, all of which give the Christmas model train set a realistic look and feel.

It's just a few months until Christmas and if you are undecided on a gift for a family member whether it be a male or female you should consider looking at the Christmas trains that are available. It's a gift that will last for years and years and make start a lifelong hobby for someone.

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