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subject: Earn a Jewellery Design Diploma or Certificate through Online Jewellery Design Courses [print this page]

Earn a Jewellery Design Diploma or Certificate through Online Jewellery Design Courses

Earn a Jewellery Design Diploma or Certificate through Online Jewellery Design Courses

Jewellery Design Diploma and Jewellery Design Certificate programs are meant to introduce students to a wide range of jewellery design courses that may be varied but are interrelated, offering each student the necessary skills to start or step up their career in manufacturing or designing jewellery.

In Jewellery Design Diploma and Jewellery Design Certificate programs, students gain a strong fundamental knowledge and skill set through jewellery design courses that touch on everything about jewellery making from technical aspects like drawing to design and concept development , workshop management, marketing and even workplace health and safety.

Jewellery Design Diploma and Jewellery Design Certificate programs teach and train students to stretch their imagination, sharpen their creative expression and improve their technical skills. Basic jewellery design courses usually include an introduction to jewellery making tools and the different gem stones and minerals used in jewellery making.

Through technical jewellery design courses, students will learn different techniques in drawing and rendering, both in traditional and computer aided design, as well as working with different jewellery materials and even choosing the right colours in your jewellery. There are also separate jewellery design courses to teach various assembly methods used in jewellery making such as knotting, wrapping and using loops.

Aside from the above, art history is also part of the curriculum of Jewellery Design Diploma and Jewellery Design Certificate programs where students can learn the history of jewellery making in different cultures and era and have further appreciation of this art and craft.

Aside from actual jewellery design courses, the curriculum for Jewellery Design Diploma also includes management studies that involve skills such as preparing legal contracts, portfolios and exhibits as well as book keeping and managing funds and taxes. Other valuable jewellery design courses teach students how to present and package their jewellery items and how and where to sell them.

Who can enrol in a Jewellery Design Diploma and Jewellery Design Certificate program? These programs are for jewellery lovers or amateur jewellery designers who are determined to make a career in the jewellery making industry. While experience in jewellery making will be helpful, it is not a requirement to enrol in jewellery design courses.

Also, those who have already completed a Jewellery Design Certificate program typically advance to the second year of a Jewellery Design Diploma program. These programs are offered online by many schools so interested individuals who have challenges attending a regular school should take advantage of numerous online jewellery design courses that allow them to earn a Jewellery Design Certificate or a Jewellery Design Diploma while studying at home.

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