subject: Definition of Ecotourism- An analytical view [print this page] Definition of Ecotourism- An analytical view
Today the services sector becomes an incredible growth and contribution towards the economic development of the country. Out of this tourism sector reveals a major source for generating the foreign exchange and employment opportunities for the people. India is the land of splendid places for tour experience. The tourism serves various purposes to the people while visiting the various places. For example medical treatment, business travel, entertaining, spiritual and heritage experiences. The most important strategy which evolved with the ecological system is called "Ecotourism". The concept of the ecotourism states that it is the strategy of creating awareness about the value of the natural environment towards the tourists and helps in improving the standard of local communities. The following definitions analyzed by the researcher to reveal the elaborate explanation about the concept of the ecotourism.
Definitions of Ecotourism:
According to International Ecotourism Society (TIES) (1990)Ecotourism is "Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people."
From the above definition the international ecotourism society represent that the key points of the ecotourism are,
It is responsible in nature.
It is the conservation strategy and
It aims at improving the standard of local communities.
The another definition given by theWorld Conference on Sustainable Tourism held in Lanzarote, it was agreed that: "Tourism is sustainable when its development and operation include participation of local population, protection of the total environment, fair economic return for the industry and its host community, as well as a mutual respect for and gratification of all involved parties" .
This definition stated that the participation of local communities and protection of the natural resources will lead to the healthy economic return to the industry and for the local people.
Ecotourism Australia defined that the "Ecotourism is ecologically sustainable tourism with a primary focus on experiencing natural areas that fosters environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation and conservation".
The definition of Ecotourism Australia focused that ecotourism is a dynamic strategy that presents different experience with the natural environment and way of sharing the cultural of the various people in the area.
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