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Olap, The Online Analytical Process

In computing, OLAP is a system used for swift multi dimensional queries. The OLAP applications are used in MIS reporting, analysis, management reporting, budgeting, forecasting, business process and financial reporting. Its a computer program that enables users to extract multiple data according to their need in a structured way. Biz analysts use this as a popular tool.

The concept of OLAP came into existence after a minor modification of OLTP. It was previously known as Crystal Analysis Professional. OLAP is much faster than its predecessor OLTP. For the complex set of queries, OLAP delivers results in about 0.1% of the time consumed by OLTP. OLAP is part of the broader category of Business Intelligence.

With the use of ODBC, data is imported from an existing source for the creation of multidimensional database. Database designed for OLAP uses multi-dimensional data model, which allows dynamic analytical and data queries faster, irrespective of its complexity. OLAP uses navigational and hierarchical database, faster than the relational one. One of the important examples is Pivot Table report.

The heart of OLAP technique is a multi-dimensional cube, which contains numerical facts, (measures) classified by dimensions.

Result of the OLAP query normally gets shown in a pivotal format. OLAP systems have been categorized using the following names, depending on the type of query it serves. They Are:

Multi dimensional OLAP ( MOLAP)

Relational (ROLAP)

Hybrid (HOLAP)

Web based (WOLAP)

Desktop (DOLAP)

Real time OLAP (RTOLAP)

OLAP is used by businesses heads and data analysts to interactively inspect, and manipulate the large consolidated data from many sources. If we compare the first three types of OLAP, we find that MOLAP generally performs better due to its indexing and storage enhancement. MOLAP uses much less space when compared to the ROLAP as the dedicated storage generally includes compression technology. Microsoft is the world leader in marketing OLAP based solutions, followed by Hyperion Solutions corp (now,

by: Carlos Quijada

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