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Festivals In The Spanish Sunshine

With more and more people heading to the various music festivals over the year, Spain is slowly creeping up the list as the best destination for annual festivals. With a wide range of events catering for every type of music fan, a holiday to Spain is a lot more than sand and sun!

The Benicassim festival started in 1995 and takes place every summer on the Mediterranean coast. Spanning four days, Benicassim is a mix between a festival and a summer holiday which has soared in popularity in recent years. With a wide range of music, from Indie to electronic, there is something for everyone. The line up in 2009 boasted Oasis, Kings of Leon, Paul Wellar and Friendly Fires as part of the huge line up. With three camping areas around the site, this is truly a unique and memorable European experience!

Rock fans can head to the famous Vina Rock festival held in Albacete between April-May. Started in 1996, Vina Rock has grown into the largest Spanish rock festival and features local, up and coming artists alongside national rock heroes. Spread across five stages, there is always something to go and see; other activities include a traditional football match between festival attendees and the performing artists!

Primavera Sound festival is an internationally famous festival celebrating the best in electronic music. The festival began in 1995 and takes place every year at the end of May. The past line ups have always included world famous bands and DJ's with 2009's event playing host to Bloc party, Aphex Twin and Deerhunter. The festival also provides a show case for emerging artists and is famous for presenting new talent.
Festivals In The Spanish Sunshine

For those that prefer a more traditional music experience. The Granada International Music festival is one of the highlights of the summer festival calendar. The festival programme is full of classical music, ballet and several types of Spanish dancing. Held in a picturesque setting, the Granada festival presents world class musicians and dancers that perform into the night. The festival is held every year from June to July.

With hundreds of musical festivals held across the world every year, it seems music lovers are spilt for choice. However travelling to a Spanish festival is a unique experience that mixes music with a Spanish sun. With world famous artists signing up to perform at the many events across the region, a music festival is a fantastic way to get something more out of a traditional Spanish holiday.

by: Archie Arch

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