subject: Taking Your Temperature When You Want To Get Pregnant With A Boy Baby [print this page] Taking Your Temperature When You Want To Get Pregnant With A Boy Baby
I get a lot of questions which ask how to precisely calculate your ovulation so that you know when to have intercourse to conceive a boy baby. Some of these questions have to do with taking your basal temperature as a way to gage ovulation. In my opinion, this is a pretty unreliable way to accomplish this. There are much better ways, which I will describe in the following article.
The Problem With Basal Temperature When Trying To Conceive A Boy Baby: Most people know that if you are trying to conceive a boy, you want to begin having intercourse or sex after ovulation. The theory behind the basal temperature method is that your temperature will begin to slightly rise after ovulation has occurred. And, while this may be true, there are many reasons that it may be difficult to see this happening, or that, by the time you do see it happening, a lot of precious time has passed.First, there are many reasons to have a change in temperature which have nothing to do with ovulation. Second, you are supposed to test first thing in the morning, so that there is at least a 24 hour period between testings. What happens if you test yourself at say 7am but ovulate that same day at 2pm?You won't be able to test again until 7am the next morning, and yet the whole time period between 2pm until the next morning was your most fertile time (and you likely missed it.) Third, some women have only very slight changes in temperature and this leaves many wondering if they've actually hit their fertile period. In other words, some of the changes are just too close to call.The Best Way To Pinpoint Ovulation When Wanting A Boy Baby: Actually, the timing for a male baby is easier than that for a girl baby. The reason for this is that when you want to conceive a girl, you have to have intercourse before ovulation occurs and this can be harder to pinpoint. But for a son, you only need to know that you've already hit ovulation. However some methods are certainly better than others to show you when this has happened.I believe that ovulation predictors that test bodily fluids like saliva and urine are the best way to go. I believe that you should avoid the predictors that only allow you to test once per day in the morning. Because as I've explained before, you are potentially wasting almost a whole day if you ovulate in the afternoon after your testing.This is one reason that I prefer saliva predictor kits. You can test any time during the day and you can test as many times as you like. So for the above example, if you did ovulate at 2pm, there would be no reason for you not to know this and take full advantage of it especially if you get into the habit of testing regularly throughout the day.These predictors work in very similar ways. They either test your saliva or your urine for changes that indicate ovulation is on it's way shortly. With the urine predictors, you will usually get a plus or minus or a positive and negative much like a pregnancy test. With the saliva predictors, you'll see different patterns depending upon how far you are from ovulation. The instructions will show you what the patterns mean.More Issues With A BoyConception: Timing and predicting ovulation is quite important but acidity and PH is just as important. If you are trying for a boy baby, you should know that an acidic vagina is going to lower your odds of success. So, you will want to make yourself more alkaline. Basically, you want to give yourself a lower PH. You can test to see if you are acidic with PH testing strips. Then, you will likely need to lower your reading by either changing your diet to eliminate high PH foods or to begin douching with specific ingredients. (And you canuse both of these methods if you are in a hurry.)Conceive A Boy is a website I set up to make the process of having a son a bit easier. I've included instructions and resources for douching recipes and food lists, examples of the PH testing strips and and saliva predictors mentioned in this article, as well as hints, tips, and support. Check it out if you like at
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