subject: CBP's ACE Update: From Entry Data to Online Duty Payment [print this page] CBP's ACE Update: From Entry Data to Online Duty Payment
Available Benefits of ACE:
June 2003-ACE Portal Accounts
The ACE Secure Data Portal is an interactive, on-line tool that provides access to CBP informationover the Internet. Each ACE portal user has access to near real-time review of CBP entry data, secure account creation, the ability to assign access privileges to others, and the ability to track and respond to CBP on compliance and operational issues. In addition, ACE Portal offers report capabilities that offer over 125 downloadable and customized reports.
June 2004- Periodic Monthly Statement Processing
The periodic monthly statement processing allows users to consolidate periodic daily statements while allowingthem to pay on a monthly basis. By implementing the ACE periodic monthly statement processing system, many filers that once operated under the day-to-day payment process can now transition to a consolidated account-based periodic statement process. ACE periodic monthly statement process allows importers to pay for the current month's eligible shipments on the 15 working day of the following month.
December 2004- ACE Truck Manifest System, also known as e-manifest
ACE Truck manifest system offers many benefits to its users. The e-manifest benefits enable carriers to:
o Abide by the advanced cargo rule
o Reduce processing times at ports
o Allow users to request in-bond moves
o Report the arrival of in-bond freight
Please visit to learn more about e-manifest.
September 2007- Entry Summary, Accounts and Revenue (ESAR);
Entry summary, accounts and revenue offers a numerous amount of capabilities that enhance account management functions. The capabilities of ESAR will be released in phases.
Future Benefits of ACE:
On October 27, ACE presented a webcast by CBP managers to inform everyone on the current status of ACE. The Trade Support Network Trade Ambassadors, along with over 1,000 other participants, attended the webcast. David Aguilar, chair of the board that oversees the ACE development, announced some new release dates for ACE. The Rail and Sea Manifest portion of ACE is set to test in February 2011. In addition, CBP will begin drafting business requirements for ACE Cargo Release and will develop this phase of ACE over the next 2 to 3 years. It seems that ACE is continuing to be a work in progress for CBP and at this point in time has taken close to 19 years to reach where they are today.
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