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subject: Online Degrees - How Legitimate Are They? [print this page]

If you have been looking into online degrees, you may question if they are actual degrees or not. While they may come through a more simplistic venue than traditional degrees, that does not detract from the information you gain from being in a web based degree program. The fact is that there is virtually no difference between the lessons taught online and those taught in classrooms. You may not be sitting in a class full of people, but that does not impact the professor's words or the tests you take. You can pursue an entire degree through the web and still get the knowledge you need for your career.

If you are worried about what future employers will think about your online degrees, you should look into internet based schools that have a good reputation. This sort of program has been around long enough to have certain schools that stand out more than others, and employers will take note if you go to one of the more prestigious ones. Then again, this would apply to traditional degrees as well, when someone from Princeton gets hired over a graduate from Oklahoma City Community College. It's all in how you look at things.

You can pursue all the way up to a doctoral degree online, so there is no reason to stifle your education just because you are using the internet. Most classes are nothing more than rooms of people simultaneously listening to a lesson. If you take out the room and move the lesson to the computer, you have the makings of online degrees. You can learn all the theory you would in a classroom right through your computer, and you have the added bonus of determining when you want to attend class. The benefits are endless.

If you think online degrees sound right for you, do some research on the internet to find out where programs you like are offered. There are some big name online schools that have just about every major you can imagine available. Other schools may specialize in one particular field. Consider what level of degree you want to get as well as the kind of classes you want to take. Then find a school that works well with all your desires. As long as you focus enough on your search for the right university, you should be able to find it just fine.

by: Mark Ryan

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