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subject: Online Degree - Is It As Good As A Traditional Degree? [print this page]

A lot of people have concerns about internet based degrees because they fear they will not get the same quality of education they would find in a classroom. While hands on projects are better left in the classroom, there is nothing else that differs between online curriculum and others. Most degrees are theory based nowadays anyway, so all you are doing by pursuing your education online is taking the lessons you would have once learned in a desk and apply them to your computer as you sit on a comfortable chair. Sounds like a winning situation.

An online degree program allows you to create your own learning schedule. That does not mean that it is less difficult than other programs by any means. It is simply more conducive to the chaos that makes up the modern world. With the flexibility of being able to study when you want and where you want, you are literally in control of your future. There is no reason to fail. You can still go to work, raise a family, and get an education all at the same time thinks to the ability to attend a university online.

One thing some students miss about going to school online is the ability to talk to a professor face to face. While you may not have a chance to do just that with an online degree, there are still plenty of ways to get help in an online degree program. You can email the professor, call him, have a video chat with him, or do whatever else you need to get your problems answered. There may also be a forum through certain classes of yours where you can post questions and get help from other peers. The sky is the limit to how you can get help.

It is possible that an online degree is just not right for you. You won't know that though until you give it a try. Overall, these degrees are in fact designed to give you the classroom experience without the classroom itself. You can benefit from the flexibility of such a program while still getting a sound education to use in the future. If you haven't checked into your options available on the web, then do so right away. It could change the way you learn entirely. The perfect degree for you is waiting out in cyberspace.

by: Mark Ryan

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