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Don't Just Give It Away Make Some Cash For Yourself

You probably have a lot of worthless and useless stuff sitting in boxes in your basement or attic. "Worthless" and "useless" are relative terms, really. Something you may consider useless may hold great sentimental value to someone whose grandmother had something similar. Your "useless and worthless" item just became something that brings joy to another person.

Let's go over several classifications of items you may have in boxes and see how much cash you can discover in your basement, attic or closet. Some of your stored items may be worth a nice amount of money, where others may be better off as donation pieces.

Great Money Makers

Used video games are one of the top money makers for online sales. They're lightweight and easy to ship, so shipping costs are at a minimum. People who take good care of their used video games often end up selling them for top dollar. If you've found a trove of old video games in your basement or attic, look them up online to see how much money you could make from them. Some stores even buy used consoles in working or non-working condition.

Ceramic or glass whatnots are often considered collector's items. Some older types of glass like grandma used to have may include names like Cambridge or Fenton. Carnival glass is generally very colorful and may sell for $100 or more. Fenton is usually very classy and sleek and sells for $40 to $200 depending on the piece.

Old hats or other period clothing or shoes may sell more easily than you could ever imagine. Theatrical coordinators, directors and casting agents often scour eBay and other online stores for clothing items belonging to a specific period. Museum curators also occasionally look for period pieces to display in cases.

Board games are often considered things of the past. Many of today's youth play computer games or video games. While several of these games are modeled after the board games today's adults grew up with, not a lot of young people specifically look for board games. Adults, on the other hand, may buy board games that bring back great childhood memories.

Old electronics could actually be worth money if the right buyer is found. Original games like Electronic Paperboy from 1988 usually sell for around $20. Older Texas Instruments Speak and Spell games often sell for $25 to $35 depending on condition. These are games that people truly enjoyed as children and wish to collect and protect. Check the Internet for those 1980s games before deciding to sell or trash them.

Books have a way of taking an adult back to younger, more carefree days. Many book collectors scour auction websites for vintage books for sale. Vintage books may sell for a pretty penny if they are still in great condition. You'll receive even more if the book in question is autographed by the author.

Great Donation Items

Replicas make great donation items. Be sure to donate unused "worthless" items to your local thrift store or charity organization. These are usually tax deductible and you'll feel much better than simply trashing them. The economy is down and people are looking for great deals on inexpensive stuff for their house or gifts. Your donation could brighten someone's day.

by: Brandon Perton

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