subject: How to Properly Take Care of Your Teeth As You Grow Older [print this page] How to Properly Take Care of Your Teeth As You Grow Older
The teeth are created and fashioned to last a lifetime, but due to the harsh conditions of the environment brought about by pollution together with man's unhealthy daily diet the possibility of maintaining strong and healthy gums and teeth is slowly diminishing. In addition, the efficiency of the skeletal and muscular system fails us as we age which makes it more difficult for senior people to maintain proper oral hygiene. The wearing of dentures and other prescription drugs also acts as contributory factor for the wear and tear of our teeth. Nevertheless, we should still try our best to maintain proper habits in taking care of our teeth.
Even though it may be difficult to brush your teeth because of rheumatism and arthritis, strive hard to brush regularly using fluoride toothpaste. Be patient and floss daily while not forgetting to visit your dentist at least twice a year.
Watch out for common oral problems like tooth sensitivity and dry mouth. If ever you experience any of these kindly consult your dentist so he can provide you with proper treatment and medication. This will also prevent future complications and eventual tooth loss which may be harder for you.
Coupled with your regular visit to the dentist is time to consult with your physician. Several diseases are associated with oral health problems like diabetes, cancer of heart problems. Make sure you are aware of this and you extend the knowledge to you dentist so he will not issue any prescriptions that may complicate your health condition.
If you are wearing dentures, follow the methods provided by your dentist with regards to the proper care of it.
Avoid smoking and stay away from stressful activities.
Be choosy with your food. Stay away from sweets and starchy food as well as fruits and juices that are highly acidic.
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