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How To Go Anonymous Surfing Online

Nowadays the number of identity thieves and computer hackers has outgrown so much. That is why it has become essential for us to defend our online identity. There are many people who are aware of this threat and that is why are opting for ways to protect their internet protocol addresses through which one can get access to the personal details of the another one. Those who are not should stop surfing on the internet and first veil their IP addresses. To solve this problem, experts have come out with an online application, which is known as web proxy servers. By visiting them you can change your IP into a fake one and then use internet without any threats.

Moreover, there commercial functions are also present in the market that can help you with anonymous surfing. It is software that is called hide your IP software. You will have to spend your money to get this program. Because you are purchasing this software, the makers make sure that you get the best of it. Whether you are chatting, shopping online or just browsing over the web, this software will hide your IP from the hackers all the time.

You should be aware that the proxy server provides the internet user certain limitations. Like you can open you emails because they cannot protect them, you cannot play several media programs like audios or videos and they also have problems in running java scripts. It is even said that your IP can be viewed by the owner of the website your visit even if you have web proxy server.

Hence this type of protection is only beneficial for web browsers who use it to some extent. If you are someone who wants anonymous surfing to gain information about some things or new updates then you may use this service.

To do this, you have to first visit a proxy website and type the address of your website that you want to visit. Then it will open the site that you want to see without making your real IP visible. Instead it will use the IP of that proxy website. However, you cannot open multiple websites with this program because if you do so your computer will become slow as so many people are already using these proxy websites.

An internet user who works and spends a lot of time on it needs to opt for better options to protect their identity. They should buy paid application for anonymous surfing. When they will mount that software in their computer, it will protect their IP addresses without being checked repeatedly. This way no matter how much you use internet or whatever you open like shopping websites, audios and videos, you will not encounter any problem. Moreover, this software will not even decrease the speed of your internet and you can freely open multiple websites.

by: HYOnline Webmaster

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