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Treating Childhood ADHD Requires Finesse

Treating Childhood ADHD Requires Finesse
Treating Childhood ADHD Requires Finesse

Treating childhood ADHD has become exceedingly common in our society, but one has to wonder why there has been such a surge is children who are diagnosed this way and whether drugs are the only option. There seems to be a very casual approach to tossing high powered medications at children, and the effects aren't always what you would expect. People react differently to the same condition, depending upon their age, and treatment needs to be tailored to the individual needs.

Early Detection is Common

Treating Childhood ADHD Requires Finesse

It isn't uncommon for children who have ADD or ADHD to start displaying symptoms at a very early age. Childhood ADHD is often noted as early as infancy. Inattention, hyperactivity and other symptoms are often clear, even before school age.

Typical Behaviors

A child who seems to consistently not be paying attention, frequently loses things, can't get organized, or seems to have a much shorter attention span than their peers, may be struggling with some aspects of ADD rather than ADHD. As the parent of such a child, it is likely that you will note the differences between your child and other kids or this child and your other children. Childhood ADHD isn't an unsolvable problem, so don't ignore symptoms if you suspect something is going on.

If you have one of those kids who are always on the go, it can also be a sign of this disorder. This child may be exhibiting aspects of hyperactivity rather than inattention. These kids daydream, fiddle constantly, can't sit still or wait their turns. Clearly, such behaviors are disruptive in a classroom and even more importantly, disruptive to the child's learning.

Boys and Girls Differ

It is much more common for boys to display symptoms of ADD or childhood ADHD and therefore, girls are less likely to get diagnosed quickly. Whereas boys are more inclined to be fidgety, thereby attracting attention more, girls daydream more. Boys are more disruptive when they are in classrooms, increasing their odds for positive diagnosis.

You will need to pay particular attention to girls and to the length and type of symptoms you are seeing in any child. If the same behaviors are present in multiple settings, an evaluation is in order.

Alternatives to Drugs
Treating Childhood ADHD Requires Finesse

Once you have confirmed that your child is struggling with childhood ADHD, you can determine a course of treatment. There are alternatives to commonly prescribed drugs. Homeopathic treatments such biofeedback exercises, dietary changes, and other treatments can product positive results without resorting to pharmaceuticals.

Internet Resources

The fact is that most doctors will not be able to help you find non-medical approaches to treating this disorder in your child. They are taught and are geared towards a fairly limited spectrum of treatment options. Your best bet is to go online and search out alternatives.

It is highly recommended that you check out the websites that offer a spectrum of naturally based or homeopathic remedies that may be of help with ADHD symptoms. These sites will help you construct an elimination diet or address the idea of changing dietary patterns to help your child focus better. The treatment of this disorder isn't always straight forward, but if you take the time to try alternatives, you may be able to avoid drugs altogether in some instances. If you like to learn more about ADHD and effective alternative treatment options visit now, childhood ADHD.

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