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subject: Beautiful and Spiritual Salvia [print this page]

Many of us have a hard time getting in touch with our spiritual selves. We oftentimes do away with the whole thought because it is hard to tap into that realm. The more we try, the less we seem to progress, but Salvia can help us tap into that aspect and get us where we want to be spiritually.

Part of being human is experiencing all aspects seen and unseen but felt in all ways. Spirituality is as big of a part of life as much as the social, mental, and physical part of life. We need it to survive. Salvia has been a part of the Mazatec's spiritual family for thousands of years.

Experience Something both New and Spiritually Healing

The priests or shamans in ancient Mazatec cultures used salvia to induce visions of the future and to heal the soul. Many people who use this herb today use it to experience out of body phenomena, to feel enlightened, to have profound insight, and so forth.

However, plenty of other people who dont understand how this herb works or fear that it will get in the hands of their children look down on this beautiful herb. I dont really blame them when it comes to their children, but they should at least understand the importance of Salvia to the human soul.

Salvia is Legal and Sold within the States

Salvia is related to the mint family and is grown mostly in Mexico. It is not illegal within most of the states in the US, which should say something about its healing capabilities spiritually and otherwise. Salvia is also used as a diuretic and can help in the treatment of diarrhea, headaches, and even some cardio related problems.

This herb is sacred and used primarily for shamanic reasons including enlightenment and overall calmness. There arent many places where you can find this herb for purchase.

Beautiful and Spiritual Salvia

By: Cara Conde

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