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subject: Translation Services: Helping Businesses Go Global By Removing Language Barrier [print this page]

The requirement for translation services is increasing with each passing day as business organizations expand globally. The days when businesses were confined to a particular geographical area is long over. The effects of globalization are now felts in all the continents with many economies giving access to foreign investments. As such, multinational companies are a common thing in this changed environment. And as such companies foray into a new territory, you may have to deal with many challenges and one of these is language barrier. It is quite ostensible that you have to face this language issue as you are now operating in a foreign land whose people speaks a different language which you dont understand. And this is where translation and interpretation services picture into your scheme of things. Such service providers offer interpretation services as translation of written documents from different foreign languages to English and vice versa.

In fact, the list of clients of a company offering professional translation service is quite extensive. And if you think these clients consist mainly from the corporate, you are wrong. The healthcare sector, insurance companies, the legal sector, the academic sector as well as government agencies requires translation and interpretation services. If you take the case of the healthcare sector, a hospital requires interpretation services as a foreign patient may not be conversant in English. Also an insurance company as well as a legal firm may have to deal with foreign clients and agents in foreign lands. Likewise an academic institution deals with international students. As such, language barrier may crop up everywhere at different situation. And most organizations do not have in-house interpreters and hence have to hire the services of professional translators and interpreters. And whenever you do so, look at service providers which are staffed with certified and experience professionals.

A reputed company, Interpreters Unlimited has about forty years of experience in offering a wide range of translation and interpretation services including in-person interpretation, over-the-phone interpretation, medical translation, written translation including Spanish translation, Sign Language interpretation, as well as language certification for an array of national and international clients.

by: manishk

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