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Nite white and Polanight - Teeth Whitening Facts

Nite white and Polanight - Teeth Whitening Facts

Your teeth and its color become obvious when you are smiling. If the teeth are not white, your entire smile will appear dull and embarrassing. Everyone would want to have a dazzling white smile and the latest teeth whitening products give you more than one reason to smile. Here comes the nite white tooth whitening system that can actually work faster than any other whitening system, and is safe and effective as well. Any discolorations or stains occurring on your teeth can be removed quickly using the bleaching products.

The nite white and polanight teeth whitening system uses a dental applications that is custom designed for the user's mouth. You will have to wear this dental appliance over your teeth and would have to wait for some time before it actually reveals its results. You can as well wear those dental appliances when you are sleeping if you want stronger bleaching effect.

The bleaching agent used in this teeth whitening system is basically active peroxide ingredient-Carbamide peroxide. Nite white comes in 3 different strengths of Carbamide peroxide for different requirements. For people with tooth sensitivity problems, the ideal would be the lowest strength of the whitening system and for people who want fast results; the highest strength would be the most preferred choice. The choice that lies in between is for the ones who want gradual improvements in their teeth color. You should not however blindly go in for the highest concentrations. Always go in for the lower concentrations first before moving to higher levels of carbamide peroxide.

The increasing popularity of products like polanight for teeth whitening system is attributed to its ease of use and its affordable price range. This means that almost everyone can use this whitener to get the ultimate whiteness. As you start using this teeth whitening system, you might experience mild tingling sensation to our teeth caused as a result of the bleaching agent. This will gradually reduce over time as you use the whitening formula continuously over a certain period of time. However, if you start experiencing tooth sensitivity, you will have to consult your dentist for further improvement.

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