subject: How To Hire The Best Person For The Job [print this page] How To Hire The Best Person For The Job How To Hire The Best Person For The Job
I hiring the best person for the job doesn't necessarily mean choosing the most intelligent or the best qualified individual. In fact, there is little or no correlation between company success and intelligence of employees, as measured by standard metrics such as educational achievement, IQ tests and logic puzzle solving skills. Likewise, education does not necessarily mean that the person will be competent or best suited to succeed. Obviously you don't want to hire stupid people especially when the Job market is alive with talent. This allows you to be selective when hiring staff. However, finding the right individual has the skills, easily blends with company culture, interacts well with the team and believes in your mission is not as easy as it sounds.
Hiring the best people depends largely on learning effective hiring and selection skills. An effective job interviews as part of the hiring process sounds a lot easier than it is. Some studies prove that there is little or no correlation between positive reports during job interviews and actual job performance once the candidates have been hired. However, the correlation between a structured, well-planned interview process which is integrated into the company's hiring practices dramatically increases job performance. Therefore a hiring process utilising effective interviewing and selection must be a structured process to produce the best results. Pre-interview planning:
Know what you need.This is an important step which is sometimes missed. Determine a key competencies required by speaking to managers and co-workers before the interview. Often the gap between what senior management perceives the role of the new employee and the actual requirements differ vastly. Write down interview questions before the time. Not all interviewers are good at coming up with questions on the fly. Ensure that you have relevant questions planned out to identify certain criteria required by the candidates. The benefit of having a structured, well-planned process is the hiring team or individual is able to constantly refine questions to better screen for set criteria.
Advertise the position.Make use of multiple advertising mediums such as job websites, local and national newspapers or even international websites. If you advertise only in local newspapers, your narrow search means you'll only get local talent. Casting your net further means you will have a better chance of hiring the best people.
Understand what works.There are many personality traits and some will help candidates adapt easily to your company's culture. Understanding the type of people that fit well will make a big difference in the candidate's ability to be successful. Three of the most important aspects of a candidate's personality that are not directly related to company culture are drive, curiosity and ethics. It is very difficult to motivate an unmotivated person. A self-motivated person will succeed no matter what. This is identifiable aspect s usually something the candidate has done sometimes it is not even work related. Drive is almost always independent of educational experience, grades, socioeconomic background and previous career success. Curiosity is a proxy for "love what you do". Anyone that loves what they do is inherently curious about their field, profession and craft. This means that they stay current and you can identify this by asking questions and discussing developments in the industry. Another aspect of the candidate's personality is ethics. Unethical people are unethical by nature and should not be hired. Although harder to test for, unethical behaviour can be identified using well thought out questions in the interview. Candidates confident in their ability and ethics will answer questions honestly even if they don't know the answer.
Schedule multiple interviews.The initial telephonic interview can be conducted in less than 15 minutes and it's an easy way to screen out inappropriate candidates. A second interview should be set up to assess basic skills. Many candidates that come for interviews lack the basic skills required for the job even if they have occupied a similar positionor have the relevant qualification. Practical tests can demonstrate the candidates basic skills required for the job. The third interview will be in-depth and can be conducted simultaneously or separately with key people to get feedback from a broader audience.
In the interview:
Ask the right questions:The questions as set out and already refined should be a customised interview guide. These questions should not only identify whether the candidate has the correct education and skill set but also the type of person and whether that person will fit with the company's culture. Later you can compare the candidates answers to reveal who is the strongest person based on the core competencies needed for the job.
Pay Attention:Ask focused questions, listen carefully and steer clear of turning the interview into a shopping list of what the company wants or what the position needs. Pay attention to what the person doesn't say such as body language, style and personality. For example a person who never smiles or laughs is probably difficult and unfriendly. Or a person the gives non-linear answers to simple questions is probably disorganised. Make notes to review later.
Follow up: Almost equally important as the interview are reference checks. References tend to down play deficiencies in people they have worked with but if you listen carefully and read between the lines you can get a better idea of who the candidate really is. For example "Sometimes wasn't that motivated", the candidate is probably a slacker. Or "Was sometimes a little moody" could mean the candidate suffers depression. Incite gained from reference checks can be a useful guide to personality and other flaws. Make notes to incorporate into your final decision.
Trust your instinct:If you did your homework that is, determined the core competencies required and asked relevant questions that have ascertained the candidates skills, personality and ability to gel with the company culture. The hiring decision should be easy and natural. However, if for some reason you are unsure or it is too close to call, wait for a day or two and consider your options. Incorporate the input for the other interviewers into your hiring decision and trust the judgment of the group.
Draw up a core competencies and skills matrix: Using a grid with the candidate's names horizontally and core competencies vertically. Use a scale of 1 to 5 to rate each candidate. The person with the highest rating is probably the right choice. However, if you hire the wrong person, be swift to fix your mistake. You will know within the probation period whether you have made a mistake or not. The worst thing you can do is not take action. Wait out the probation period and let the person go. As the hiring person you need to realise that you are doing everyone a favour. Firstly, the company because the candidate will never succeed. Secondly, the co-workers because everyone wants to work with the best. Finally, the individual because you are saving the candidate from a position where they cannot succeed, be valued or get promoted.
Value the employees that you have hired because they are the best and hopefully will prove invaluable to your company.
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