subject: Is Still Possible To Make Money Online Now? [print this page] Is Still Possible To Make Money Online Now?
A lot of people make a really good living online nowadays. They do things such as marketing affiliate products, MLM offers, and even network marketing. And a lot of people come online looking bright eyed and bushy tailed thinking they're goanna make $1 million in 48 hours.
Although this is definitely not impossible, since quite a few marketers have done this at this point, but only after years and years of experience learning the ropes and knowing exactly what to do with months of preparation and product creation. Anyone who tells you otherwise is absolutely not honest. So do yourself a favor and run from this person! Run as fast as you can and never look back because all they want to do is steal your money!
That's it. They do not want you for any other reason so get the heck away from them as fast as you can.
As mentioned earlier, affiliate marketing is a great way to start out on the Internet. With free traffic generation methods you can honestly start out without spending a whole lot of money. You'll need to spend a bit if you want to host your own website, but this is not even mandatory to get up and running. You could always create free Wordpress or Blogger blogs or any of the many other Web 2.0 properties as well. The problem is you run the risk of having them taken down at a moment's notice because somebody happened to have ants in their pants that day, or any other dumb reason for that matter.
Another way to go would be the route of content creation. There are various ways to make money doing this, and the easiest being freelance article, report or even e-book writing. There are many freelancing websites online that you can join and get work quickly and efficiently.
But you could also go another route with the content creation if you feel so inclined. You can create paid or free blogs or websites, either way is fine, and monetize them with various forms of advertising. Google Ad Sense is a very popular one. If you have Google Ad Sense on your webpage and somebody clicks on one of the advertisements you will be paid a small fee. Over time this adds up to be a decent little added income, so don't just blow it off because you can't make big bucks in 24 hours. There are many people that make an excellent living through Google Ad Sense alone. So it's definitely something you might want to consider.
Another thing you can do is sell products on eBay. They only allow you to sell products that have to be shipped. There are no digital products allowed to be delivered through e-mail. Don't complain to me, it's not my policy. But keep an eye out for local garage sales and flea markets because you never know what you might find there. If you get a steal at one of these events you can immediately turn around and put it on eBay for a hefty return on your investment. This is just one more thing to consider when breaking into making money online.
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