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subject: Is Chopper Tattoo Online Really Worth It? [print this page]

Is Chopper Tattoo Online Really Worth It?

Is Chopper Tattoo Online Really Worth It?

Go ahead and seach "Chopper Tattoos" and even "online tatto scam" you are certain to find a half a dozen reviews talking about how great it is..... I wonder why?

Let's get real here. I live in Portland Oregon, and we have some of the BEST tattoo artists and shops in the nation. Not to mention, 6/10 Portlanders have a tattoo of some sort visable at all times. Not only is it acceptable while applying to jobs here, it may as well be a requirement to have at least 6 tats.

Chopper designs site is horrible. Just try to browse ANY tattoos and you'll be prompted to enter an email and name, and then select a membership. Honestly, they would do better to at least provide some EXAMPLES before asking you to pay! But if you go back out to the main page and type a search, for example "fish" or "tribal" you will be able to view (somewhat) some designs. But since you do not have access to download at the time, it doesn't give you the full view.

Anyway, from there you can see that Chopper designs does actually have quite a large selection of basic designs to choose from. I think there are 2 times to take advantage of Chopper tattoos online. First, if you want to save money as opposed to walking in the shop and paying 3 times the price for the same pre-made designs. If you're going pre-made instead of custom, chopper will save you money. 2. If you want to purchase bulk designs, or are starting up your own shop and need basic designs to offer.

Whenever possible I feel it is beneficial to pay an artist directly. But this type of relationship takes time to build. First you must investigate someones reputation and past work. From there, design from concept to finish can take years. And sometimes, you just don't have the connections, for example if you're new to the city.

Chopper Tattoos can be a deal, just know what that you have to sign up first, so be ready to buy.

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