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subject: What Purpose Does A Global Rotation Program Serve? [print this page]

What Purpose Does A Global Rotation Program Serve?

Students all around the world have come to realize the importance of a Masters degree or a post graduate degree, owing to the ever growing popularity of MBA. Graduation just doesn't seem good enough. You need to be specialized in a field that is not only professional but also strategic in nature. Employers prefer post-graduates who know their job and are well trained in their field of specialization. Graduates are comparatively raw and need to be trained to fit the organization. As the recessionary phase hit the world around 2008-09, there was a significant reduction in the jobs available all round the world, and this affected most of the students too. Employers were look out for employees who understood what the corporate world looked like, and picked up students who were post-graduates alone.

This led to escalating pressure on most of the students who were looking for a professional career. Not only were they worried about getting a job, but also sustaining in the job that they would have landed themselves into, after a lot of pains-taking efforts.

The recession that hit the world, was devastating and shattered the hopes of many aspirants who wanted to have a career in finance. A Finance MBA was losing its glory, because of obvious reasons. The financial crisis was the one thing that the world has seen, and thankfully is now on the path to recovery. The demand for a Masters in Financial management had gone down drastically, because the financial services industry was the worst hit amongst all. There was absolutely no scope for any kind of new hiring or recruitments in the field of finance. But the demand for a Marketing MBA or even Masters Degree in Business Administration on the whole did not suffer. Employers, on the contrary, become more stringent about the quality of employees that they were bringing on board. The obvious choice, peculiarly was recruiting people who had already been through a recession once in their career! The good part about people who had already seen a recessionary phase once, was that at least they would know the answer to the questions that boggled our minds constantly: What next after the recession? How do we recover from it? How long will this phase last? What should be the paramount corrective measures, so that the same scenario would not resurface?

However, it was not possible to hire only those who had been through a recession once in their careers, and new talent, who could be trained, taught, and molded as per the company's requirements, was vital to success in future. Fresh talent had to be brought on board, and the palpable choice was students who had an experience of business administration from a global echelon. Aspirants who had their Masters in Business Administration from more countries than one had an edge over those students who were from the clichd Premier Business schools of the world. An international perspective is crucial to understanding today's business issues, and this had come to be known as a quintessential when most of the recruitments were in progress.

Students who study in global rotation programs also have a golden opportunity to create nexus and build valuable international contacts, especially because they meet newer people from all over the world. Keeping all these conditions in mind, it becomes very important that you get your Masters degree from an institute that gives importance to professional training from an international perspective. An MBA from one country generally does not give you the kind of exposure you would require to face a vast field of finance, given that the economy of any one country is affected by the global economy on the whole. We do not live in isolation, and an international exposure would sure help the students learn better.

HULT International Business School offers a global rotation program, for Masters in Finance (MFIN) and Masters of International Business (MIB), both. Aspirants who opt for HULT's Global Rotation program can choose between campus rotations in Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai or Shanghai. What is more of an advantage for students who opt for Masters in Finance (MFIN) from HULT is that the syllabus structure of MFIN covers all the areas required for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I and Level II qualifications. Students who have an international exposure during their MBA definitely have an edge over those who opt for single country programs.

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