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Trade Union - An Overview of the Movement

Trade Union - An Overview of the Movement

A trade union comprises a group of workers, which speaks for the workers and submits proposals to the management of a company for improved working conditions. It is also considered a bargaining forum for employees, where disputes are settled through negotiations with employers. The subject of negotiation includes wage revisions, working conditions related to security and other benefits of workers such as promotions and so on.

The trade union movement originated during the industrial revolution in Europe, due to the predominance of one sided power of the employer, which was visible in the poor conditions of workers in industries due to meager payment and maltreatment. The movement has developed into larger following with different standards in different wings of trade and industry, but with the sole idea for the improvement of working class.

It is a process of collective bargaining, which has reached every sector of employment today, whereby employees' work conditions are discussed with them in a regular manner by most of the companies that involve huge workforce by recognizing the union rights. The membership of a trade union provides support with necessary legal guidance and all other allied benefits to a worker in the modern time. There is the provision of state laws, which give the right to join a trade-union membership by an employee for certain advantages.

We also see horrible consequences when employees insist to on going to strike as negotiations fail. Activities are backed by different political parties to gain the political objectives and they send their representatives through elections with the support of the unions. It is the larger voice that is regarded as a strong force, which is heard properly at the highest levels of management to bring solace to affected employees. Now, different unions join hands and campaign nationwide on an issue, which may be of greater importance than merely the development of working conditions of employees.

There is a lot of history behind the formation of aTrade Union. Click here to know more aboutTrade Union

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