subject: Why You Need A Concierge Doctor For The Holidays [print this page] Why You Need A Concierge Doctor For The Holidays
This is the worst time of the year to get sick, right? Whether you feel a flue coming on, or perhaps those seasonal allergies are about to get worse, it's that time of year when you're stressed out, family is on its way, and the stores are packed with hungry shoppers. Thanksgiving week is the busiest travel week of the year, but it's also one of the sickest. And by sick we mean it's probably one of those weeks that you are either sitting in a waiting room with a dozen other sneezing patients, or your at the ER because it's after hours, or you're sitting comfortably at home waiting for your concierge physician to knock on your door. ran an interesting article this morning about the benefits of having a concierge pediatrician, detailing a physician in New York City that makes house calls for sick little ones. He likened his practice to that of a private school.
"You pay taxes for your public school, but you can choose to send your kids to private school. I haven't heard private school teachers being referred to as concierge teachers," the concierge doctor told
The stigma that concierge medicine is only for the elite is just not an accurate description anymore, especially when you consider the benefits of concierge medicine during the holidays.
Midnight house calls. It's about 3am and you're up making those last minute preparations for the Thanksgiving feast. The turkey is in the oven, and you're basting and stuffing and the house smells amazing. But you can't smell it because you're all stuffed up and feeling an awful flu coming on. Your choices; go to the ER since it's after hours, or call your concierge doctor. This is when you realize how wonderful having an on-call physician is.
Holiday hours. Unlike your family physician who you visit for 10 minutes at his offices, a concierge physician will visit you, at your home, on a holiday. No one wants to work on Thanksgiving day, but there are situations when the stress triggers a medical reaction that needs attention immediately. You could have a family member drive you to the ER, pay a fortune out of pocket, and hopefully get back home before Thanksgiving dinner is over. Or, you can call your concierge doctor.
Preventative care. Since Thanksgiving is the season for holiday travel, and the flu season, and allergy season, it's always a good idea to take preventative measures to avoid getting sick. No one does preventative medicine better than a concierge doctor.
Let's say that you're traveling out of state to someplace incredibly chilly in a few days, and it's just occurred to you that you need to get an eye drop prescription filled as well as some new allergy medication. You call your family physician and try to make an appointment, but he can't see you for another week. Now, imagine this situation with a concierge doctor, and you've got those prescription filled along with some wonderful tips to help you avoid getting sick while traveling.
The holiday season is all about traveling, friends, family, and a little stress, which usually causes a little lapse in your immune system's ability to fight of illness. There is no better time of the year to get the VIP treatment with concierge medicine.
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