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subject: Did your money is safe in Alliance and Leicester Online Banking? [print this page]

Did your money is safe in Alliance and Leicester Online Banking?

Did your money is safe in Alliance and Leicester Online Banking?

Despite the warning stories of Bradford & Bingley, RBS and Lehman Brothers would have us all shaking in their boots when it comes to mutual funds and even the normalAlliance and Leicester Online Banking account, not enough time to return to activities General perpetrated by gangster movies and start taking their savings under the mattress was thrust into a shoebox. A lot of us do not care about winning the masses of interest in our bank account, at least serve to keep your money in a safe place. With this in mind, it might be a good time to start looking for bank accounts that can effectively ensure the safety and premium high interest rates and profits. If you have been to the branch of the same street for years, or if you just started the bank, there are different types ofAlliance and Leicester Online Bankingyou need.

Alliance and Leicester Online Banking

The best advice is to shop, or go online and do your research or if you have time, visit the local branches of all major national banks, to figure out what type of account, and this type of bank, will give a better performance and safety. If you are over 21 years, perhaps recently graduated and are starting to win, it might be a good time to think or commutation of his old graduate student or a bank account, and move to another that will allow greater AER rate.

Take a look at some of the offers from high street names such asAlliance and Leicester Online Banking, where you can download a first current account with between 8% and 12% AER, and even have a line exclusively. As you can guarantee at least 500 a month goes, you may qualify for additional savings in addition to the monitoring system that can provide an advantage of the additional gross AER 4.50% at the end of the year. Just be thankful you are not a banker who is struggling with the markets every day to make you happy.

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