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subject: What Are The Requirements For Shipping From Canada To The Us? [print this page]

If you're going to be making shipments from Canada to somewhere in the US, for instance, San Francisco, there's going to be certain forms to accompany your delivery. There may be times when your courier service is going to use them and they may help you with getting these forms. If not, they can better assist you in finding these forms and where you can get them. The courier service you choose can make sure you have all the correct documentation filled out before attempting to get your items to a local San Francisco courier service, which will then get it to the final destination. Not only does this documentation protect you, but also the company to show that necessary paperwork was completed to avoid any type of delay in crossing the borders. Not only will it cause delays if not done properly, but it's also going to stop company in Toronto from delivering other items on time. For the most part, Canada delivery companies have a lot of knowledge in this department and can help to ensure all the necessary forms are filled out.

One of the first things you're going to have to provide the delivery company is an invoice from the US. The only way this part can be avoided is if you have a small gift or other small items personally. Even with small transactions that can be made online, such as through eBay, a commercial invoice is needed to show that the items being shipped is what was sold. Just about every Canada shipping company is going to require an invoice before shipping anything over the borders. Canada delivery companies that also deal with cross border shipping will inform you about filling out a B13A Exports form for goods being shipped to the US. Canada courier companies can give you a copy and if not, they can tell you where you can get one at. You may even be able to print them off the Internet.

When you are looking into Canada shipping services to ship to another San Francisco courier service, there may often times be other additional forms required that Canada companies may require and is all based on what the items value is. If you are shipping something to San Francisco that is worth much more than other items that are under the NAFTA agreement, the courier service is going to inform you that there's a special form that's specific to your item. Before you decide to ship anything, make sure you talk to a courier service in Canada to learn about everything that's needed to ship something, as this ensures nothing is missed and everything is done correctly.

by: Adam Trammel

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