subject: 5 Best Home Based Businesses Which I Know [print this page] It is quite stupid to tell others which home based businesses are the best ones, because much depends on the execution, on the personal style and promotion strategy. But I do it anyway, because it can happen that you will find your own profitable home based businesses from these ideas.
And one warning. I am sure you do not think that because the businesses are called the home based businesses, they are somehow easier to run. The home business opportunities operate exactly on the same market as do the bigger ventures.
1. The Affiliate Marketing.
The idea of the affiliate marketing is, that an affiliate promotes the merchants products earning commission every time there is a sale. The merchant prepares all the promotional material and customer service. The affiliate directs the customer to the merchant site, where the sales will happen. For a beginner this is easy especially because the beginner could not create the promotional material.
2. AdSense Ads.
Google offers a service called AdWords ads and when a marketer publish these ads on his site or blog, the ads are called AdSense ads. When your site will be keyword optimized Google can set the related ads on the page. Every time a visitor will click the ad, you will get paid. The ads are not equal, but some keywords offer big income per click while others smaller ones.
3. Blogging.
Blogging is like having your own public diary, so its nature is quite personal. The blog is easy and free to start and to handle. When you will write keyword optimized posts, they have an opportunity to rank high on the search engines and get decent amount of traffic. You can promote the merchant site even without your own site, just direct the blog readers to the merchant site and get paid!
4. The Article Marketing.
The concept is simple. You will write a keyword rich article and submit it to the high page rank authority directories, where the readers can find and read it. Every article has the bio box in the end, where your anchor text is pointing to your landing page. This brings two benefits. Your get readers and your landing page will get a boost in the search engine ranking. Plus the articles work during a long period of time.
5. Sharing Guidance.
This concept means that you operate as an consultant sharing guidance to other marketers. This is a good concept to get readers, but needs creativity to make sales. However, if your content is seen useful, marketers will also buy the recommended products through your links.
by: Juhani Tontti
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